For the collaboration between Spanish sparkling wine brand Freixenet and Michael Michalsky, we were invited to visit the studio and working space of the famous Berlin-based designer.
Sitting around in comfortable couches (also designed by him) we were introduced to his newest collaboration with the Cava brand. Freixenet is a family-run business rooted near Barcelona. One of its best selling products, the Carta Nevada, that is now celebrating its 75th anniversary. For the occasion Michael Michalsky was commissioned to redesign the bottle of their anniversary edition: A slick and modern look for a classic brand. If you want to know more about this collaboration, read on after the jump.
For the new look of the 75th anniversary edition of Carta Nevada, the fashion designer drove all the way down to Catalunya to visit the headquarters of the brand. Down there he did not only enjoyed the sun and the sparkling wine, but also started a deep research inside the design archives of the brand. Between old vintage labels and bottles, he found one particular label with a beautiful rosé-colored frame. Precisely this label was the source of inspiration for the limited reinterpretation of the designs. In the end, he combined elements of his own style (such as the surface of his sneaker line) with this vintage inspiration to create a new fresh look for the classic brand.
The most groundbreaking information during this exclusive visit were the insights into the working methods and the business approach of the successful designer. He told us how he mastered stressful television appearances and job commissions by following a strict routine and regular creative timeouts. “But no technology, no project management method is as important as a well-functioning team”, emphasizes Michalsky while gathering his colleagues around him. No matter what you might think of his public persona or even the style of his fashion: In his team Michalsky is appreciated as someone who knows how to work together. And this is something I can honestly admire.
If you are thirsty now for some sparkling Freixenet after reading this post, you can relax. Soon the design highlight will be available in selected stores in Berlin. Keep your eyes open after #michalskyforfreixenet and cheers!
Thanks for the support by Freixenet