Monypolo – A Theater Game in an Empty Supermarket

What the fuck is this thing called capitalism? And why it is actually messing up all our lives instead of making them better? As simple as these questions seem at first, as complex are their answers. To take a look at one aspect that is going completely wrong with capitalism let’s reflect one moment about the Berlin start-up bubble.

Our beloved Berlin is a fertile ground for start-ups of all kinds. Low rents and many smart international people as potential employees are great resources to start your company. With the right investors, you can literally create any kind of business in this town. But as genius some start-up concepts can be, as stupid and absolutely useless to humanity the others are.

With their new theater game Monypolo the collective Prinzip Gonzo is reflecting about all the absurd aspects of hyper-capitalism and über-entrepreneurialism. With 60 other players you create a fictional career and play for success inside an abandoned supermarket at Kudamm. Between luxury boutiques and high street brands you enter a desolate mall to find a giant playground for adults waiting for you to be explored. More about our experience, the dates and some photos of the exciting game after the jump.

When you enter the game at first you are asked to dress up as a real business (wo)man with bow tie and a white shirt. After a little test, your first business skill is determined. Mine was charisma. Like in the hunger games you then enter the arena that resembles a stock exchange market in the 80s. There you start to found invented businesses of all sorts in order to succeed over the other participants. What seems fun and exciting at first, transforms itself into a nerve-wrecking challenge. All kinds of stress elements and surprises make the theater game Monypolo not an easy walk in the park. But it will show you the fake bitchy face of capitalism step by step.

After the game was over, I felt so relieved that I don’t need to take care of my imaginary business anymore. This was the biggest surprise for myself since I always thought I would love to start my own company. Maybe Monypolo is not the perfect game after an annoying day at work. But if you like to be challenged this experience will definitely bring you a step closer to your inner limits. Don’t miss your chance to go, until this Saturday.


July 21, 22 and 23, 2016, 19:00h


Kurfürstendamm 206-209

10719 Berlin

Reserve tickets here

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<a href="" target="_self">Claudio</a>

