Porn, Lust and Sexism – Venus 2016

photos: Andrea D’Auria

Unfortunately every time i visit the Venus, i remember, how little of this gender-equal porn is being represented here and instead how many of the visitors are not those, who respect a woman’s boundaries. Most seem to think that everyone, porn stars and visitors alike, are simply there for their own pleasure and free to be touched whenever. I got groped several times and random men asked me to have their picture taken with me, making me feel objectified and disrespected. All in all the whole event is really sexist. On every second screen you can see huge things being shoved into vaginas, without even giving them a face. Male visitors feel free to touch everything. Be it the breasts of one of the performers or the back of me, a random visitor. The whole atmosphere in these halls is so awkwardly tense by all those men, who seem to struggle to keep on their pants and have got no respect left for those women they should admire and celebrate and instead want to degrade.

You can see in their faces just how big their ego’s get, when they dare to grope the performers while having a picture taken with them. The fact that they seem to feel proud for being brave enough to do this, shows that they are somehow aware that there is a boundary that they just overstepped, but instead of feeling ashamed, they congratulate each other on it. Trump would be in his element here, everyone who is looking for a more natural, healthy and emancipated and gender-equal way of dealing with sexuality is in the wrong place here.

photos: Andrea D’Auria

Luckily there are amazing alternatives to this fair, like the Pornceptual parties or the Pornofilmfestival Berlin, which both focus on representing a diverse, inclusive approach to sexuality and pornography. They show real sex, pleasure and pain that is being enjoyed by those, who receive it.

For future events like the Venus i would wish for the organizers to create some kind of safety system, so that you can ask someone for help, if you feel unsafe or tell them, if other visitors misbehave, so i like other visitors don’t have to go home feeling all disgusted and mistreated. And this is not because of the nudity, the performances or the overkill of sexual images. It is simply because of the realization of just how many people still haven’t understood that everyone is equal and no-one is there to serve their needs and no woman owe’s men anything.

After all sex is something so basal, so important and so amazing that there should be more events, where it is being discussed freely, performed, experienced and openly celebrated!

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<a href="" target="_self">Valerie</a>

