What’s Berlin Style for you?

After Berlin Fashion Week and just during the international fashion shows, there comes the question of the definition of a city’s style again. The Parisians are oh so sophisticated and a hot mess, NYC is chic and cool as ice at the same time. And is there one Berlin look? Definitely not. But do we really have to justify ourselves that we’re not as glamorous, or is our definition of allurement just something else? Anyways, we took a look around the streets in Berlin Mitte and asked people about what they think about the Berlin Look. Let us know about your opinion on Berlin style in the comments!


„Style in Berlin? Don’t give a fuck. Berliners? Cheeky.”

Julian, 25 years old, and Rose, 24 years old.

„I think the style here is very experimental. Sometimes a bit trashy. But in a good way.”

„Berliners can be very private. But they are like oysters: When you get in, it’s like small pearls.”

Justina, 23 years old.

„For me, Berlin style is very creative and personal. Self-expression is all over the city. So maybe Berlin will become the New York City of Europe.”


„The great thing in Berlin is, that you can go on the streets however you want to. You can wear your pyjamas or a blanket tied around you. Nobody would stare at you. You can simply be yourself. ”

Amy and Fanny.

„Street Style here is overall casual. Come as you are. ”

„Berliners are too cool for school.”

Darmas, 26 years old.

„Berlin style for me is arrogant. Fashion is something that is supposed to be shared. The same as music. You don’t own it for yourself, but share it. And fashion too, should bring people together – very often this fact is simply forgotten though.

Therefore, I would wish, that the style here wouldn’t be so arrogant anymore. And maybe show a little of African influences. I just told my mom to bring me as much fashion as possible from Africa, no matter how stupid it would look.”

Reva, 30 years old.

„For me the style of the city is especially urban. There are quite a number of Beanies, you can observe a more reluctant style, but not so much Tam Tam.”

Helena, 21 years old and Julie, 20 years old.

„Berlin is so laid back and casual. No high-heels but slippers and backpacks.”

Carmen, 47 years old.

„I just arrived here from Amsterdam, but what I’ve seen so far is that Berlin style is quite cool. And obviously there is a lot of fur going on right now, because it’s winter. But I love it.”

Jeayushen, 23 years old.

„Compared to my hometown in China Berlin Style is first of all very sexy and artsy.”

Hannah, 20 years old.

„The style here for me is quite minimalistic, and you wouldn’t see so many colors.”

photos: Alicia Kassebohm

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<a href="https://www.iheartberlin.de/author/aliciaka/" target="_self">Alicia</a>

