photo: Hendrik Thul.
I am more than happy to notice our society’s new obsession with self-development, mindfulness and general mental hygiene. “Self Care” is not a niche anymore, it has become more of a common need. Even in Berlin, where our generation rather used to give in to pleasure and partying than nurturing thoughts on self-reflection. Now, practicing morning meditation daily with the Headspace App or going for a healthy breakfast has become a trusted routine for many.
Yoga – the mother of physical and mental self-care – is now more in demand than ever. So we thought we’d encourage you to take care of your wellbeing and bring you closer to some of Berlins most amazing Yogis. Their expertise about the yoga scene will give you an insight of which yoga studio to visit and who to follow online for more information on meditation practice and the mindset that comes with it.
So let us introduce you to our favorite yoga teachers – we know that the range of studios in a big city can be overwhelming sometimes. Every yoga teacher has their own methods and often you do not know if they suit you. This is why memberships with clubs like Urban Sports Club come in really handy, as you can try different teachers to find the one you feel comfortable with. If you want to change things up, you can also switch again and again – thanks to your membership, you don’t need to commit to a studio. So let’s do some yoga!
Ulrike Schäfer
Ulrike moved to Berlin in 2005 to study humanities. During this time, she discovered yoga for herself. Although she considered herself to be a head driven person for many years, she was able to leave that role behind and ease into her yoga practice. A perfect example of how your role is not written in stone, it is just something that you have created yourself in your head. Many years, exciting journeys and 800 hours of intense yoga training have passed since then. Today, she is editor in chief of the popular Yoga Blog Fuck Lucky Go Happy by Rebecca Randak (a must-read!!) and regularly teaches Jivamukti Yoga at Peace Yoga Berlin.
photo: Lydia Hersberger
Ulrike’s recommendation? Dania Schumann. Dania is an expert on yoga practice, holistic nutrition, and Ayurveda. She works as a nutritional scientist, as well as an ayurvedic therapist in Berlin and teaches Yoga at Yogibar.
Michaela Aue
Michaela has planted many seeds in the yoga and mindfulness world, that are all growing into one awesome pond of information on yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Together with her friend, she hosts the holistic living podcast The Kyōō. Together they teach important knowledge by interviewing different experts about wellness and holistic nutrition every week. In addition, she teaches helpful meditation exercises on Instagram and encourages her followers to participate in several weeks of meditation challenges.
photo: Alicia Kassebohm
Michaela’s recommendation? Kai Hill. Kai is a passionate Yogi and teaches yoga enthusiasts all over the world. As true Berliner, he still has his roots here and thus founded Yoga Tribe in Mitte, his own Studio.
Eva Kaczor
Eva has completed her diploma in psychology, which she puts to use by helping people around her release their full physical and mental potential. Her practice includes vinyasa and yin yoga, meditation and breathwork. With her Detox Yoga Workout that she offers every Monday and Wednesday evening, she will let your muscles burn, boost your health and let you connect back with yourself. She is very well known for her Yogis On Sound sessions which unite deep house music and asanas, as well as her international event series Psychedelic Breath which she is also giving as a class on Saturdays at Yoga Tribe. She travels all over the world to share her practice on festivals and conferences to impact likeminded people.
photo: Tina Groh
Eva’s recommendation? Stephy. She teaches Vinyasa and Yin-Yoga at yogafürdich in Schöneberg and guides you into your own mindfulness practice while acting as an anti-stress coach at the same time.
Ditte Kotzian
Ditte is part of a creative collective with the current focus on a tantric hatha yoga project. She wants to combine yoga practice with urban ambient sounds, electric sounds, and traditional Sanskrit mantras. “The sound helps that the topics of the class are not only theoretically recorded, but also unfolding from the inside”. She established this project at the Sunyoga Berlin-Friedrichshain and encourages you to come and try it out!
If Ditte does not practice at home, she goes to Sunyoga Berlin. She also recommends going to a yoga studio, that is on your way to work and close to home. That way you are more likely to implement a regular practice during the week. Also, try out everything that is offered in your area! Attend workshops and retreats to get other impulses and stay with those teachers, with whom you feel comfortable to grow with.
photo: Fotostudio Monbijou
Ditte’s recommendations? Nico, her trusted Yogi at Dharma Yoga Berlin who is specialized in a graceful, yet challenging form of yoga based on Sri Dharma Mittra’s almost fifty years of practice of classical Yoga.
Kevin Junk
Kevin is a berlin based writer and creator unifying mindfulness with digital communication. He masters the hustle and bustle of Berlin lifestyle by practicing yoga regularly. After he completed his training at This is Yoga he gives private lessons today. At the same time, Kevin is pondering whether white people can teach yoga at all, questioning the practice in the context of cultural appropriation. In addition to the physical perspective, meditation is very important to him. Otherwise, he would only consider yoga as “a physical activity with Sanskrit terms”. He adds: “For me, body and mind are expressions of life that are in harmony with each other, and through yoga, I have found a way to cultivate both.”
photo: Stephanie Ballantine
Kevin’s recommendation? Caroline from NOMNOMYOGA. She teaches Vinyasa- and Yin-Yoga in Berlin Prenzlauerberg. Her small groups of 8 people only allow for an intimate connection between you and the yoga practice itself.
Are you feeling motivated to throw yourself into the world of yoga? We hope you got some inspiration from the wonderful yogis we interviewed for you, so you can start your own yoga journey. If you don’t want to commit to one studio in particular and also want to try other types of sports we recommend a membership with Urban Sports Club. A huge amount of yoga studios are part of their portfolio which is a great way to find the right place and teacher for you. And if you are a member of Urban Sports Club you can now use the Headspace App for free. Bringing you a daily dose of meditation.