Berlin through the Eyes of a Stranger

Berlin through the Eyes of a Stranger

Just like in any other longterm relationship from time to time it is crucial to take a step back and see what you’ve got – like a third party pointing out just how lucky you are. Seeing through the eyes of a stranger brings you ironically closer to yourself. The relationship you have with the place you live in is no different. Berlin is my hometown and habitat and from time to time I find myself forgetting just how lucky I am to call this city my home. It gets lost quite easily in the grumpy morning banter with the bus driver while hectically fishing out the ticket.

But in order to feel like yourself you need to feel good where you are, feel protected and challenged to be your best self.
 Movies about Berlin with a certain atmosphere can bring back a joy for detail and exploring. Because that’s what a stranger ultimately brings: curiosity. The curiosity to find back the beauty of your street, the joy of your neighborhood, the greatness of your city.
And the freedom to live in it.

Take a look at this uplifting video from Cécile Chabert with great music and Berlin shots and be delighted. Right after the jump.

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Theater for the Digital Generation

Theater for the Digital Generation

photos: Natalie Mayroth

When you think of theater, what comes to mind? Does the term ‘Digital Age’ pop up somewhere? Probably not, right? But don’t worry: since staged theater is widely perceived as more of a traditional medium, it’s just natural that we do not think of this right away.But the theater is a place to depict current subjects and social discourse. And one ongoing and very current topic is the Internet and Social Media. Obviously. (Hi, this is a blog.) Which is why the theater network cobratheater.cobra and the Theater an der Parkaue created Haus der Digitalen Jugend (House of Digital Youth) and decided to put together PRISMA – The digital Kick-Off Festival that is “kicking off” tonight.

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Famous Exiles of Berlin: Musicians

Famous Exiles of Berlin: Musicians

Excuse me for repeating myself. I have to emphasize though, just how much of Berlin’s spirit is shaped by the many different parts and past particles floating in the air. Stories that are engraved in house walls. Moments that are carrying on. All the tears cried in bars, all the words unspoken on park benchs, every fight in front of a house: worth telling and still palpable. When you walk around the city you don’t see them. But be sure to know: the city’s vibe is made of every single one of it.

To not get carried away in theories of time, let me get to the point.

Berlin has always been and still is a prominent place for poets, thinkers, musicians, architects, painters. There is something about this city that draws people in who expressed or express themselves artistically in any shape, way or form. Here is a selected list of musicians, who have experienced Berlin in one way or another. Next time you walk around in the city, maybe you feel a bit closer to it, knowing who has walked the streets before you. Get to know the famous exiles of Berlin – after the jump. read more…

Exploring Berlin: A Guide To Schöneberg

Exploring Berlin: A Guide To Schöneberg

photo: Urban Nation / Nika Kramer

Schöneberg, oh Schöneberg. You are underestimated. Although you have so much to offer! The late and beloved David Bowie wasn’t the only one to notice your charm, but also numerous artists such as Iggy Pop and Klaus Kinski lived in your hemisphere. There’s something about you, something mature and unagitated but still exciting. Something that feels like home yet still comes up with surprises of the unknown.

Founded as a tiny village and first documented in 1264 (that’s… a long time ago), Schöneberg was merged in 2001 with the adjacent district Tempelhof and is now called: Tempelhof-Schöneberg. We will focus on the Schöneberg-part of the district today, presenting you the best options to eat & drink, see some art, spend some leisure time in the most beautiful spots and learn something about the history of the ‘beautiful mountain’ aka Schöneberg.

FYI: Even though the district is located at a quite elevated spot, the name ‘Schöneberg’ that includes the ‘mountain-theme’ is rather a wishful-thinking-name than a geographically correct one. But who cares, right? Let’s start with our guide to Schöneberg!

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A Guide to Turkish Creatives, Projects & Places in Berlin

A Guide to Turkish Creatives, Projects & Places in Berlin

Berlin is a city made of puzzle pieces, a mosaic of multitudes. Its irresistible charm and the distinctive difference is made of the people that shape the city culturally. A Berlin without its cultural diversity is not only hard to imagine – it just wouldn’t even be as interesting probably. The contributions of inhabitants from all over the world helped to form a colorful kaleidoscope of ethnic elements.

I could go into some history now, explaining the Foreign Policy of Germany, how in the 1950s and ’60s, Germany invited guest workers to work in Germany and help with the economy. But I won’t.

I will invite you to take a look at the present, cause as we know: the present is a gift. And if you look around today in Berlin, you’ll see it’s a gift that keeps on giving. You see Poland, you see Vietnam, you see practically every country in Berlin. Be it in the food you eat, the Yoga Studio you frequent, the store where you buy your vegetables. The luxurious freedom to get the best of countless cultures is the main point for me to why Berlin is so comfortable to live in.

We want to take a closer look at the possibilities and present to you the manifold ways of experiencing Berlin. Today: The Turkish Edition!

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Dangerous Photography: The Berlin Underground

Dangerous Photography: The Berlin Underground

photos: Jeisson Martin

Beauty is everywhere, you just have to know where to look. I guess this also means taking some steps into forbidden territory sometimes.

We already told you a bit about young photographer Jeisson Martin, who is taking his photographs with a certain attitude that could be described as wild and adventurous. And that’s exactly what it is: wild. Jeisson, not afraid to take risks for the ideal shot, is going the extra mile if he has to. And this means he won’t be intimidated by a “No Entry” sign. His photographs revolve around unusual spots and restricted areas of all kinds. There is a metallic beauty about them that is both sharp and soft at the same time. Vibrant, colorful, full of life and yet with a distinguished retraction. We love his shots, so we curated them for our #berlin exhibition some weeks ago.

For his latest coup, the urban explorer took us with him, down the stairs of the Berlin subway for a shoot ‘down under’. Of course these excursions are dangerous and forbidden, so don’t even think about following in his footsteps! Check out the beautiful results and the exciting making-of video that he made for his new YouTube channel #exploreeverything after the jump.
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From Here To Me – Artists between Balkan and Berlin

From Here To Me – Artists between Balkan and Berlin

Semra Sevin, Berlin Reflection Glienicker Brücke, 2011

The search for a belonging, a definition of home is a constant topic in a globalized world. Berlin is a melting pot where people from all over the world cross each other, meet each other and – in the best case – love each other. The lifelong question of identity is a matter even amplified when different cultural backgrounds come into the mix of emotions. The distance that emerges over time to one’s ‘original homeland’ (which is maybe just a question of definition) is a space in which sometimes romanticized, sometimes critical perspectives reach the surface.
The beauty of it all is a frequent subject in art.

“From Here To Me” is a project and an exhibition where eight artists from Balkan states exhibit their work in which the aesthetics of Berlin as a bond with their personal homeland are displayed and merged into one. The contributing artists are not only from the Balkan states but also from Greece and from Turkey. They all succeed in creating a strong insight to their inner feelings through the outer arts. read more…

How to Spend New Year’s Eve in Berlin

How to Spend New Year’s Eve in Berlin

photo: Marco Förster

It’s that time of the year again! To be exact, it’s the end of that time of the year.
New Year’s Eve is just around the corner and if you’re anything like us: You don’t have anything planned yet. Berlin is bursting with opportunities to transition into the new year. With all these offers, it’s hard to know the Do’s and Don’ts of the festivities of the year. Luckily, we made a selection for all sorts of different types of New Year’s Eve. Whether you feel like a fancy dinner, going outside into the fields of flying firecrackers, dancing at some major parties or just staying home, hiding from the fuss: We got your back! With our suggestions for each kind of evening you won’t miss a thing. Have a blissful year’s ending, we hope to see you healthy and happy in the new year ahead. “Guten Rutsch!” read more…

Papier Tigre – Design Stationery & Paper Art in Berlin

Papier Tigre – Design Stationery & Paper Art in Berlin

When at your office, do you ever wonder why there is just no stylish stationery? Do you wish there would be some nice art in your home, that is eco-friendly and beautiful to look at at the same time? Are you a friend of unusual accessories? Well, we’ve got just the right spot for you!

Papier Tigre has come to town and it’s bringing all the paper products you could possibly wish for. Founded in the city of love and now coming to the city of… well, everything, their newly opened up store right in the Mitte of Berlin has paper art that is très chic.

From amazing wrapping paper and beautiful notebooks to a stylish set of playing cards – the paper tigers leave no wish unfulfilled, that involves the easily disposable material in some kind of way. Even jewellry is to be found. The adorable, hand-embroidered brooches by Macon & Lesquoy for example are an amazing addition to their overall selection of products. Also to be noted is the lovely cafe that’s part of the store that let’s you have a sip of coffee and French chocolate while shopping for presents. You should definitely stop by their store and get some impressions of their designs right after the jump.

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Berlin is… Fragile

Berlin is… Fragile

photo: Rowena Waack

At first it seems strong. Rough even, you might say. With its cracked pavements, strong outlines and loud appearance. It exudes self-confidence, is brutally honest with you. Gives you an opinion, when you didn’t even ask for it. From time to time, you might even have to take a hit.
I guess, she means well.

But on some days, on particular days, you can see the other side of its truth under all that noise. When the fog lifts, and you catch her alone for a short moment, the city starts to show it’s other face. And you discover: Berlin is fragile.

It’s fragile, it’s soft, it’s sensitive – even when it tries to hide it. Under all that rock-hard concrete make-up: an undeniable tenderness. In its quiet moments, when the traffic is low and people are walking slowly, you see the city’s brittleness. Mostly in the people that, just for a short second, stop being bold and putting on a strong face.
The ethereal side of the city let’s you think of your own shell you walk around with.
That shell of concrete we all have on our back, only willing to drop for a few people.
When dropped, underneath it all: soft words written in, asking to be loved.