What Are You Hungry For? Colonialism meets TikTok on the Stage of Volksbühne

What Are You Hungry For? Colonialism meets TikTok on the Stage of Volksbühne

photos: Frank R. Schröder. 

The latest dance theater piece The Hunger by Costanza Macras and her company Dorky Park has taken Berlin by storm – and rightly so. This brilliant spectacle not only impresses with a unique cast, but also combines two themes on stage that are more topical than ever: Colonialism and the commodification of the self in the digital world. What follows is an animated review.

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The Colors of Pride Kiki Ball by Gina Angels & Papi 007

The Colors of Pride Kiki Ball by Gina Angels & Papi 007

Following our big photo series of the Superheroes Ball from Friday we are already back with another ballroom set from the Colors of Pride Kiki Ball hosted by Gina Angels and Papi 007 at the Social Hub on Saturday.

I was a bit late to the function, but nonetheless I managed to capture some killer performances. The energy was really high, the performers were on fire. Having seen many of these young ballroom members compete over the last couple of years it was great to see their progress – they are more talented and beautiful than ever. It’s great to see how people really grow into themselves with so much grace and confidence. It was also fun to see The Social Hub being transformed into a ballroom arena – the vibe was such a good match to the space.

I’m really proud of this photo set – it’s done with a different much smaller camera from the Superheroes ball and therefore has a different aesthetic but I think it really brought out some other aspects and details of a ball than my usual photos. I hope you enjoy it!


The Visitors: A Slasher Horror of Current Realities

The Visitors: A Slasher Horror of Current Realities



Today we have the pleasure and honor to help spread the word about a very special theater piece returning to the stage of Volksbühne Berlin on June 28-30: The Visitors by Constanca Macras / Dorkypark.

Macras has never been shy of taking a swing at big socio-political and socio-economic topics in her pieces such as gentrification, statelessness, migration, or marginalization. The Visitors is no exception here, as it deals with the consequences of Apartheid which is still a burning issue today. Especially, in times like these, it’s important for us to listen to the discourse in the arts and culture world, to counterbalance the noises of social media and ramblings of populism. 

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