Turning the U-Bahn into an Opera

Turning the U-Bahn into an Opera

The BVG has done it once again! Seemingly not shying away from raising the level of self-ironic absurdity with each new “Weil wir dich lieben” ad campaign, their new video shows how a normal subway ride turns into the U-Bahn version of Mozart’s “Magic Flute”. Does that sound a bit odd to you? Well, then you should watch it maybe.

The Berlin U-Bahn, actually it’s nothing more but a daily necessity, bringing us from A to B. But, a necessity that takes up a lot of our time, on uncomfortable seats, in crowded stations watching little yellow wagons rush in and out. We love to hate it, ….and kind of hate to love it. With their campaign the BVG aren’t afraid to ridicule themselves, their flaws, and “Schienenersatzverkehr”, while also making a ‘lil fun of us, the ever complaining Berliners, who kind of act like the world is gonna end just because we missed one U-Bahn (and the next one is 4 long minutes away).

Anyone whose funny bone is tickled by the thought of a collection of Berlin folks randomly going all ‘Anne Netrebko’ in the underground should watch this video.

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Berlin Spree – A Millennial Parody

Berlin Spree – A Millennial Parody

In the last few years, Berlin has given refuge to creative souls from all around the world who were in search of a cool yet affordable place to call home. Berlin offered them that, and so much more, with its distinct, unique lifestyle becoming every young person’s fantasy. That fantasy, and its disillusionment is being captured and satirized by musician Joel Montagud and writer Hayley Bracken in their video “Berlin Spree”, and we think it’s hilarious!

The video follows a female protagonist as she muses over the appeal of life in Berlin, and what this generation gets (or fails to get) out of it: and it’s so funny because it’s so true. The video itself is a testament to Berlin’s inclusive, pro expression expatriate community and ‘hipsters’ willingness to satirize themselves.

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Kinky Yoga Sessions in Berlin

Kinky Yoga Sessions in Berlin

Berlin loves fusing things. We thought it couldn’t get any better than last year’s Beer-Yoga trend. But never mind, Berlin is always good for a surprise, and apparently, so is Yoga. The next big thing is just around the corner: Kink Yoga. Get into it.

Inspired by the recent video from Reflective Desire, a kinky collaborative united in their love for latex, Madeleine White, Yoga instructor at Kreuzbergyoga, decided that it’s about time for a new Yoga movement. So, you can get on your finest Latex / Kink outfits and get into some sexy, sweaty Latex Yoga – Wait what? But then again, why not, right?

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Dancing the Essence of Berlin

Dancing the Essence of Berlin

Works of art that combine unique, atmospheric movement with Berlin as their setting always catch our eye: it is with pleasure that we introduce to you our recent discovery, the Berlin-made Frantics Dance Company, through their super cool new video, FRENESI.

FRENESI, Spanish for frenzy, ‘a violent exaltation of a feeling or a passion’, was created through the collaboration of the dance group with the director Derek Pedros. Inspired by Berlin’s raw beauty and darkness, FRENESI takes us all around Berlin, shot at different locations like the Gretchen club, Marameo, Theatre Stahl and Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Center, taking us on a journey through the dancers’ captivating energy.

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Amazing Berlin Short Films & Videos

Amazing Berlin Short Films & Videos

This city has always gone hand in hand with artistic creation, being generous in providing artists with a safe space to freely express themselves, as well as serve as a major aesthetic inspiration. Film makers in particular, often use Berlin’s diverse setting as their canvas upon which they unfold their  stories, each one triggered by a different aspect of life in this Wonderland. We are excited to present you these Berlin-themed short films, which capture Berlin’s unique vibe perfectly, and speak to all of us that are hypnotized by the city’s magic spell.

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A Sexy Kind of Ghost Story

A Sexy Kind of Ghost Story

This wendsday our friends of Pornceptual will take over Griessmühle in collaboration with Mobile Kino to present you with a collection of 5 sexual short films under the bright Berlin sky. Highlights will be the premier of “Holy Fuck” a documentary that goes behind the scenes of the art collective Pornceptual, “Coming of Age” by Jan Soldat and “Call me a Ghost” by Noel Alejandro. If you’re ready for an evening of poetic pornography, make your way to Neukölln.

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A Free Private Piano Concert at Hermannplatz

A Free Private Piano Concert at Hermannplatz

A little while ago passers-by at Hermannplatz were treated to a very special private experience. A pianist was sitting right in the middle of the square offering a little concert for those who dared to sit with him and put the headphones on. In the little video documentary you can see some of the people who took advantage of the free seat and it’s lovely to see how moved some of them were.

The video comes from the guys from RAWCreation who also brought us the lovely video about the rooftop piano concert that posted a while ago. Enjoy the new video below.

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A Breakdance Session in a Lost Place of Berlin

A Breakdance Session in a Lost Place of Berlin

Today I stumbled across a cool breakdance video that was shot in an abandoned place in the outskirts of Berlin. I’m not 100% sure which place it is, but my guess is Beelitz Asylum. I do recognize the artist though, it’s Plotbot who has such a distinct style. You can actually find his amazing artwork in quite a few of the abandoned places of Berlin.

But coming back to the video, it shows a dreadlocked dancer performing a blend of contemporary and breakdance in the staircase of this old sanatorium accompanied by a pretty cool beat. I like how his style, the dance, the place and the music come together here quite nicely. And it helps that his outfit kinda flies off at some point, hehe. But have a look for yourself and let me know if you recognize the place…

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A Mysterious Burning Lantern in Kreuzberg

A Mysterious Burning Lantern in Kreuzberg

There she is. A lantern burning all alone. In the quietness of a Spring night in Berlin Kreuzberg. Nobody is walking around, because it is still too cold to go for a walk at night. It’s not night anymore, still it’s not day yet either. But the brightest light is without any doubt the lantern itself. Flickering like a friendly fireplace without looking damaged or vandalized at all.

This weird setting is somehow quite explanatory for the work of video artist Johannes Vogl. The Berlin-based artist creates sculptures with everyday objects and often thermodynamic manipulation. His had a bit of a viral hit on big platforms like Nowness with a video showing a burning swing.

But for me personally the burning lantern is my favorite one. Not because it is so charismatically situated at the 3-Länder-Eck where the canals of the river Spree of Treptow, Kreuzberg and Neukölln meet. It’s more the meditative and ghostly surreal effect that this video has on me that made me want to write about it. See for yourself. The burning lantern and a couple more videos by Johannes Vogl, after the jump.

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Bringing Back the Golden Twenties of Berlin in Second Life

Bringing Back the Golden Twenties of Berlin in Second Life

We love posting pictures dating back to Berlin’s glorious past, like the beginning of the 20th century. You’ve already had the chance to take a glimpse of the past in Schöneberg, Charlottenburg, or Kreuzberg. But as it turns out, digging up such visual treasures is not the only way to get into the spirit of past Berlin. We’ve stumbled upon an incredible virtual reality video in Second Life – take a look at it after the jump!

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