photo: Katja Hentschel
Obwohl die Fashion Week noch ne Weile hin is, geht es diese Woche doch sehr Mode lastig zu mit einem Fashion Cocktail mit Sopopular, einem Sale bei Bless, dem Show & Sell Event von Semi Domesticated und dem WMP! Fashion Flohmarkt. Mehr Events nach dem Klick.
Mobile Kino at HBC this time with the Billy Hicks Story. 21h, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 9. 5 EUR.
Advent Calendar by Flagshipstore: One suprise for every day. eMail to to win!
Veltins Urban Art Photo Contest at UNDplus Gallery at Torstr. 66, 18h. Our friend Katja from Glamcanyon also has a few fabulous photos hanging there!
Fashion Cocktail with menswear label Sopopular at Excelsior Hotel, Hardenbergstr. 14, 19h.
Sale at Bless, Mulackstr. 38, 12-18h.
Show & Sell at SemiDomesticated Gallery & Boutique. They have vintage and upcycled fashion, accessories and furniture in store as well as designer clothes by local designers and lots more going on starting 10am. Manteuffelstr. 57. After party at St. Georg at 23h (Ritterstr. 27).
WMP! Fashion Fleamarket at .HBC starting at 13h.
An Christmas surprise is coming at you, stay tuned…