Illustration: Hara Katsiki
Obwohl wir ja eigentlich noch in London verweilen, haben wir es dennoch nicht vergessen, euch die interessantesten Events für diese Woche zu recherchieren. Neben der Social Media Week gibt es diesmal wieder einiges Schönes in Sachen Kunst, zwei Album Release Partys, eine Lesung, mehrere Film Screenings und einiges mehr. Die Events nach dem Klick.
Monday, Sept. 19
From Monday til Friday the Social Media Week is taking place in Berlin with numerous panel talks, discussions, workshops and events. Find out more about the program here. Today there will be a panel discussion by Artconnect at the Aufbauhaus at Moritzplatz. Our fellow bloggers from Castor und Pollux and Private Curators will be part of this which makes it absolutely worth checking out!
Tuesday, Sept. 20
Kunst als Klang is an exciting series of events at Vittorio Manalese Gallery curated by Pantha Du Prince. The first one takes place this Tuesday with Chloe live, and DJs Faust and Efdemin. Doors 19:30h, concerts 21:00h, entry 17 EUR. Helmholtzstr. 2-9 in Charlottenburg. Following events on September 26 and 29.
Wednesday, Sept. 21
IN GERMAN: Markus Kavka liest aus seinem Roman Rottenegg in der Clinker-Lounge in der Backfabrik, Saarbrückerstr. 36a, um 20 Uhr. Tickets gibts bei Buchbox.
Female Directors Month at the Mindpirates with screenings of shorts and movies of female directors every Wednesday and Thursday. This Wednesday you’ll see the film Torpedo by popular young author Helene Hegemann (German with English subtitles). Falckensteinstr. 48, 20h.
Thursday, Sept. 22
Movie night at Sing Blackbird, Sanderstr. 11. Tonight with “Black Cat White Cat” starting at 20h.
After making her way to Berlin three years ago, Hara Katsiki won the Illustrative Young Illustrators Award in 2010. From drawing to costume design, fashion, graphic design, and music, Hara Katsiki lets her creativity pick the medium. Currently exploring illustration, Hara Katsiki will debut her latest work at her very first solo show Utopia this Thursday at West Berlin Gallery, Brunnenstr. 56. Starts at 18h. iHeartBerlin’s Claudio will play harp at the opening. After party at Bar Tausend.
Friday, Sept. 23
My Name Is Claude is celebrating the release of his new album Science of Doubt with a concert at the beautiful Elisabethkirche at Invalidenstr. 3 presented by La Jeunesse Doree starting at 20:30h.
Joakim album release party with DJ support by Hunee and Tdaance at the brand new club Prince Charles that recently opened at Moritzplatz / Prinzenstr. 85. Starts at 23h.
Saturday, Sept. 24
Neonchocolate Gallery at Lychener Str. 23 is opening their new group exhibition d’accord curatey by 44Flavours with artists Eno Henze, Haw-Lin, Klub7 and many more. Vernissage starts at 19h. Runs until October 6th, 2011.
Sunday, Sept. 25
LEAP (Lab for electronic Arts and Performance) and NEW SPECTRUM presents an evening of live performances and installation for experimental media. Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 13, 18:30h.