Die Events der Woche

Maximilian Hecker, Foto: Sonja Gutschera + Leif Osthoff

Diese Woche gibt es direkt zwei Fotoausstellungen, die sich mit der Straße beschäftigen. Außerdem gibt es einen ganz besonderes Release-Event mit Maximilian Hecker, die Rückkehr von Last Days nach ner kleinen Pause, das FLY Bermuda Festival und vieles mehr nach dem Klick.

Tuesday, July 31

Mobile Kino at Naherholung Sternchen presents a special movie night dedicated to iconic photographer Diane Arbus with screenings of the documentary Masters of photography – Diane Arbus (1972) and the feature film Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (2006). Starts at 21h.

Wednesday, August 1

Berlin-based singer-songwriter Maximilian Hecker is celebrating the release of his new album Mirage of Bliss and his first book The Rise and Fall of Maximilian Hecker at Flamingo with a live gig and reading. Starts at 20 at Kleine Präsidentenstraße at Monbijoupark.

Mindpirates are screening the film Wendy and Lucy starring Michelle Williams in their living room starting at 21h at Schlesische Str. 38.

Thursday, August 2

The gallery Pavlov’s Dog at Bergstr. 19 is opening the group photo exhibition Pictures from the street – Prostetutes, Dogs and Filth with the work of photographers Andy Kania, Henrik Malmström and Joachim Schmid. Starts at 19h. The exhibition runs until August 25th 2012.

Friday, August 3

The Coffee Circle is opening their first own temporary café called Coffee Academy today at 14h. You can not only enjoy self-roasted coffee, but also learn how to do it yourself in several workshops. All coffee fans should come! The café will be open from August 3rd until September 23rd 2012 at Ackerstr. 169-170 daily from 8:30-18:30h.

Fiat Lux is the first of 4 opening events of the big group exhibition 2thepowerof2 and has nothing to do with the famous weird cult. It takes place at Uferhallen, Uferstr. 6 in Wedding, starting at 18h. More about the program, music and DJs here.

Die Straße gibt, die Straße nimmt (The Street gives, the street takes) is a solo exhibition of mobile phone photographs by Carolin Wackerhagen taking place at Merkezi, Adalbertstr. 5/6 starting at 19h with a sparkling wine reception and with an after party at 22h.

Saturday, August 4

If you like it excentric and extroverted then you might want to check out the great Rocky Horror Fetish Night at Delphi, Gustav-Adolf-Str. 2 at 21h. I have no idea how trashy and/or sexual this is gonna get, but it sure sounds interesting.

It’s been a while, but Last Days is back with Last Days of Paris (Hilton) at Backyard, Gitschiner Str. 22, 24h.

Sunday, August 5

As a warm-up for the FLY BerMuDa Festival that will happen later this year the FLY BerMuDa Open Air is taking place this Sunday at Rummelsburger Bucht as an after hour starting at 12h. Live acts: Extrawelt and SIS, DJs Rüde Hagelstein, Monika Kruse and many more.

The WMP! Fleamarket is taking place with vintage clothes, designs objects, records and much more at Markthalle IX, Eisenbahnstr. 42/43 from 12-18h.

Read this article in English.

<a href="https://www.iheartberlin.de/de/author/admin/" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank ist der Gründer und Chefredakteur von iHeartBerlin. Er fotografiert, macht Videos und schreibt Texte - in der Regel über das, was in Berlin gerade abgeht. Seine Vision und Interessen haben iHeartBerlin seit der Gründung in 2007 geformt - und Frank hofft, dass er noch viele weitere Jahre das Beste von Berlin hervorheben wird.