Snowboards, Trolle und Elchfilet – Willkommen in Geilo

Norwegen war schon immer auf meiner Liste an Ländern, die ich gerne bereisen würde. Und als sich mir Anfang des Jahres die Möglichkeit anbat, meine reiseverrückte Freundin Katja von Travelettes auf ihren Trip nach Geilo zu begleiten, habe ich natürlich sofort zugeschlagen.

Was sich uns dort an winterlichen Schneelandschaften, leckerem Essen und traumhaften Unterkünften bot, hat uns mehr als begeistert. Snowboardfahren, Eisfischen, Spa-Behandlungen und Apres Ski sind nur ein paar wenige der Dinge, die wir erlebten. Viel Spaß mit meinem kleinen Reisebericht und vielen Fotos nach dem Klick.

The Highland Lodge

The Highland Lodge was the first hotel we stayed at in Geilo. It has a very great looking, modern and welcoming lobby, a nice restaurant with amazing food and a large Spa area. The starting prices for their simple and comfortable rooms are quite low for Norwegian standards which is nice.




Snowboarding Lessons at Slaatta Skisenter

I always said that I didn’t want to try out any kind of ski sports in fear of literally breaking a leg (my family has a history of doing so…). But when Katja caught a sneeze on the day of her snowboarding lesson at the Slaatta Skisenter I decided to take her place. And I don’t regret that I did. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I left more marks with my butt than with my snowboard in the snow. But it was interesting to experience the feeling on the board, feel all those muscles that you need for certain movements that you  normally never use. And it’s quite the reward to finally slide down the hill after falling and failing to even stand still for a second after almost an hour.




Dinner at Dr. Holms

Dr. Holms is one of the biggest and most renowned ski resorts, spas and hotels in Geilo. The Slaatta Skisenter ist right next to it. It used to be a rehabilitation center for Asthma patients but was transformed into a luxury resort over time. We didn’t actually stay there but had some time to check out the Apres Ski, the cafe and had a lovely dinner there. The house and the interior is beautiful, right up the hill with an amazing view. Nice!




Snow Shoe Hiking in Geilo

Snow shoe hiking was one of the things we already tried out in Tyrol back in December and we really enjoyed it, even though it pretty much took our breath away, in a more physical sense. Of course we wanted to also explore our neighborhood and surrounding landscapes in Geilo, so we opted for another snow shoe hike. There are actually lots of nice tracks and national parks close by where you will be able to wander through the most magical snow landscapes and even see some animal tracks. Also watch out for the big troll sculptures in the woods. They have quite a few legends and stories involving trolls.




Vestlia Ski Resort & Spa

The Vestlia Resort was the second place we stayed at in Geilo and it was definately my highlight of the whole trip. The suites are amazing, both traditional and modern in style, very comfortable. I wanted to move right in there. Of course also amazing views from our balconies, you don’t even need to leave the house. They also have a wonderful spa with great treatments including all different types of massages and beauty treatments. There is also a steam bath and a sauna, a jacoozi and a big pool.The restaurant was also amazing, great breakfast and dinner, really handsome waiters… And one of the best slopes right in front of the house. Loved it!










Ice Fishing in Geilo

It sounds a bit like something only tough guys would do, but when you are wrapped up in warm clothes it’s actually really fun. We were a big group of 6 people and no-one actually caught anything. But the whole process of walking onto a frozen lake, drill a whole in the ice and dip some maggots into the depth of the lake is already worth it!




Dinner at Hallingstuene

The Hallingstuene must be one of the cutest and most charming restaurants that I’ve been to. I tried reindeer filet for the first time and loved it!





Overall we had a lovely trip to Geilo with amazing places to stay in, even better food and the best snow landscapes you can imagine. Definately worth a visit!

Read this article in English.

<a href="" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank ist der Gründer und Chefredakteur von iHeartBerlin. Er fotografiert, macht Videos und schreibt Texte - in der Regel über das, was in Berlin gerade abgeht. Seine Vision und Interessen haben iHeartBerlin seit der Gründung in 2007 geformt - und Frank hofft, dass er noch viele weitere Jahre das Beste von Berlin hervorheben wird.