The Cuntemporary Kiki Ball by Dante Telfar & Joana Juicy Couture

The Wilhelm Hallen saw their first ballroom take over last weekend for their Berlin Art Week kick-off and the art was shaking on the walls! The Cuntemporary Mini Kiki Ball hosted by Father Dante Telfar and Princess Joana Juicy Couture was a testament that ballroom and voguing are a true art form. Of course, we were present at the function to capture the hottest moments on the runway. Enjoy!

If you were performing at the ball and want to check if I snapped your moment here is the complete set as a download. Make sure to tag us when you post the photos.

Read this article in English.

<a href="" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank ist der Gründer und Chefredakteur von iHeartBerlin. Er fotografiert, macht Videos und schreibt Texte - in der Regel über das, was in Berlin gerade abgeht. Seine Vision und Interessen haben iHeartBerlin seit der Gründung in 2007 geformt - und Frank hofft, dass er noch viele weitere Jahre das Beste von Berlin hervorheben wird.