The Coolest Design Maps of Berlin

As you know big cities like Berlin can be confusing places and with lots of indecipherable street names and uncharted territories. It’s so easy to go wrong here and that’s why people invented maps. Obviously for the people in Berlin a regular old map won’t do, it needs to be artsy and designy. Luckily with so many talented graphic designers in town (and passing through) that doesn’t come as much of a problem. There are heaps of cool maps that will please the eye and even prove practical for navigating through the city. We selected our favorite ones, including accurate and imaginary, as well as practical and decorative ones. Enjoy our little collection of design maps of Berlin.

Neukölln Schatzkarte

The Neukölln Schatzkarte is a cute treasure map and booklet that shows the popular area of Neukölln underneath the canal and above the ring. There are infos about the area and of the selected shops that are marked in this map. It’s available for free in all the participating shops in Neukölln.

The Best Places in Berlin

This brand new map is quite similar to the one about Neukölln, but it has a more minimalistic design and captures the best of all central districts of Berlin. It was published by city blog Stil in Berlin and is available in selected stores and online here.

Berlin City Map

The new Berlin City Map by The Future Mapping Company from London is a nicely designed, accurate city map that comes in two color versions and can be ordered as a paper print, on plastic, as a magnet or framed here.


The PIN CITY maps are large maps printed on black or light blue felt that come with little pins where you can tag your favorite places or attach little notes. It’s your chance to reenact some crime shows where they tag the places of murders to discover a pattern. It’s available online here.

You Are Here.

This brand new paper is a small guide with a very exclusive selection of shops, beauty stores and cafes in the area of Mitte and the more central part of Prenzlauer Berg. It’s a bit the grown of version of the Neukölln Schatzkarte. You can get it for free at the participating store in the area.

Vintage U-Bahn Map

Probably the easiest and cheapest and most practical map you can get from Berlin is the one from the BVG that you see in all the subway stations and that you can buy as prints as well. But they are so huge and also not exactly pretty. So how about a vintage subway map? We found one on Etsy here.

Transparent City – Berlin

This folded cardboard map of Berlin is a really practical tool that let’s you make notes right onto the map with the help of transparent foil stickers that you can later remove and start all over again with different notes. You could mark the places you visited on your travels. Or you could mark the places that you recommend to your friends and visitors that they should check out. It’s available here.

Handmade Schillerkiez Map by Aino El Solh

Aino El Solh is a Finnish artist who runs a guesthouse in Neukölln. Over the years she created little maps for her guests to show them the best places in the neighborhood. After it has grown into such a popular kiez it was about time to make one big map for the entire Schillerkiez that she is distributing to her guests and in some of the shops from the map.

Mind Mapping Mitte

Mind Mapping Mitte is a unique and witty decorative map that is only put together of words and phrases that relate to the streets and squares that they stand for. It’s a project by Diana Sanusi and Julia Fuchs who are currently working on a new version.

Berlin by Martin Haake

This cool illustrated map was designed by visual artist Martin Haake.

Berlin by Lou Lou & Tummie

Another illustrated map of Berlin, this one from Dutch illustrator duo Lou Lou & Tummie.

Illustrated Berlin City Map by Vesa Sammalisto

This fully illustrated map of Berlin shows the most significant places and features of Berlin in adorable little drawings. It was created by Vesa Sammalisto and is available at victionary.

Wir Lieben Berlin – Monster Map by Bakea

Bakea is one of my personal favorite illustrator artists and I absolutely love his crazy monster Berlin map.

Illustrated Berlin Map by Jenni Sparks

This cute illustrated map of Berlin by Jenni Sparks was created for Evermade and is more a decorative than accurate. It’s super fun to discover the little drawings of the places that you know here.

Sightseeing Map of Berlin

Well having a map with the most popular modern-times sightseeing places, located to the right U-Bahn stations, you could never go wrong. Getyourguide took care of that. Also some nice parks are featured here!

Oooh, Berlin!

An original, cute way of exploring the city in a stylish and unique way comes from Oooh, Berlin! Segmented in districts, for each Bezirk, the map-builder have great tips for local restaurants, cafés and other gems. But see them for yourself!

Do you know any other cool Berlin maps that we missed? Use the comment section below to add them.

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<a href="" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank is the founder and editor-in-chief of iHeartBerlin. He takes photos, makes videos, and writes texts mostly about what's going on in Berlin. His vision and interests have shaped iHeartBerlin since its conception back in 2007 - and he hopes to continue bringing you the best of Berlin for many years to come.