Seniors of Berlin

photos: Marta Wilkosz

Berlin is hip, Berlin is cool, Berlin is young. When painting the picture of the capital, one tends to overlook an important part of the city: What about the people that have been experiencing Berlin for many years and have a lot of stories to tell?
The senior citizen of the city are often unseen. Especially in a place like Berlin, they are almost invisible. Except for at the cash register, let’s be realistic. At the cash register, everyone is visible.

Still, the elderly of our capital deserve a lot more attention. Photographer Marta Wilkosz looked, where no one looked and captured some seniors of the city. She catches beautiful moments of them in their everyday attire and collects them on her Instagram. Often very stylish, the elderly play a big part in shaping the spirit of Berlin. Marta’s love and admiration for the senior citizen is pretty much tangible in her photographs. With her shots, she makes the invisible of the capital seen.
Check out some of her plus aged photo models after the jump.

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