On the First of May Everything is Possible in Kreuzberg

On the First of May Everything is Possible in Kreuzberg

The first of May, also known as Labor Day, was just a holiday day for me until I came to Berlin. No matter how hard you try to describe to other people that have never been to Berlin what goes on here, you cannot fully understand it until you experienced it. You have to be there. And as they say, what has been seen cannot be unseen.

The first of May is a day when you see children innocently sliding down slides at the park with really wasted people lie scattered around in the grass taking a break from drinking. And that’s not even the craziest thing you will see. Maybe that’s why Berliners are just different because they are raised from the crib straight to the party. All their life they are exposed to the most unusual situations and therefore embrace randomness, spontaneity, and surrealism.

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This Game Let’s you Play Tetris with Plattenbau Blocks

This Game Let’s you Play Tetris with Plattenbau Blocks

For me, as an art and design lover, any visual proposal that allows me to discover new ways to look or to see my environment is always exciting. It’s very inspiring to find different or unusual things that unravel in front of your eyes. When I think about architecture I automatically tend to picture either classic art history examples or really futuristic constructions with large windows, clean lines, and diaphanous spaces filled with carefully designed and placed furniture. But in reality, we can’t escape all the trashy and clumsy examples that frame our sight on our daily way to work or while we walk the streets of Berlin.

In the German language, there is even a word for those concrete blocks that make Berlin look like a grey Tetris game and it’s called: Plattenbau. If you heart Berlin as much as we do, you probably have already found The Hidden Beauty of the Plattenbau architecture, or you might even know the Cuckoo Blocks clocks, a really ingenious reinterpretation of this style of construction.

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The Talented Furniture Designers of Berlin

The Talented Furniture Designers of Berlin

photo: Neo/Craft

Germany is the country where the Bauhaus was born founded by Walter Gropius an outstanding  Berliner who, among his revolutionary legacy, coined the historic quote “Form follows function”. He looked for the union between use and aesthetics. Berlin has it all, (only if it was at the sea…) so it’s not surprising that you can find really amazing designers in Berlin. The crafts have always had that strong artisan character deeply rooted in the tradition of learning from those who mastered techniques and materials. Despite that, I personally will take the liberty to think of them as true artists. But regardless of how you address them, there’s certainly one thing we will agree on: what they do is simply amazing. Because they don’t just create stunning objects, they create objects that will help you bring meaning to spaces and to learn what it means to inhabit a space. And hopefully to be able to fill that place with unforgettable and meaningful memories. Here you have 7 of our favorite furniture and product designers that work to keep Berlin’s look cool and, always, unique.

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The Best Spanish Restaurants in Berlin

The Best Spanish Restaurants in Berlin

Oh, Spain…How to describe you? Besides everything, Spain is a country that keeps charming and surprising both its new visitors and its inhabitants. Envied because of the weather, admired for its historical, cultural and artistic legacy and desired for it’s rich, healthy and extremely varied gastronomy, Spain never leaves you indifferent. That’s why if you are a Spaniard like me, you’ll find yourself missing the smells, the flavors and the warmth of the country that you have left behind. So if you are feeling the weight of the nostalgia bringing you down or just asking yourself how did you end up in this cold and rainy (but always amazing)  city, here we have put together some great places that will, hopefully, make you feel a little bit like home. And of course, don’t forget to make a toast ¡salud!

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A Guide to Schöneberg’s Beautiful Akazienkiez

A Guide to Schöneberg’s Beautiful Akazienkiez

Schöneberg, Schöneberg…? Surely, some people who aren’t yet familiar with the city won’t know that Schöneberg is one of Berlin’s neighborhoods because that’s exactly what happened to me. For decades Schöneberg was the epicenter of Berlin’s creative underground, but today you will find Berlin’s interesting, cool, and artsy vibe in most of the Eastern neighborhoods. This unique atmosphere that makes people from all over the globe want to move to the German capital. That way some neighborhoods like Kreuzberg have kept their cool and edgy reputation over the years. But, as you can already imagine, there’s much more than meets the eye in Berlin’s west, especially in Schöneberg. Yes, if you are new in town Schöneberg is still worth a visit and we are going to explore some of its curious locations and little wonders.

FYI: Because Schöneberg is quite an extense neighborhood, I have focused on a specific area which it’s the Akazienkiez and places near The Red Island. In a map, you can see a distinctive triangle-shaped area of Schöneberg bordered by railway lines S1, U7 and the Ringbahn of Berlin. It was called like that due to the left-wing supporters that lived in that specific neighborhood.

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The Best Berlin Apps that will Improve Your Berlin Experience

The Best Berlin Apps that will Improve Your Berlin Experience

photo: Le Buzz

When you think that you have done it all when you cannot decide what to do, or just want to have some different experiences this selection of Berlin Apps will help you no matter if you’re looking for a vegan restaurant or a ping-pong table. So you can discover yet another side of this kaleidoscopic city and make the most of your Berlin experience. Either if you are an Urberliner, you are studying or you are just here for your vacation. Check this list out and enjoy the city!

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The Story of the Strongest Man of Berlin

The Story of the Strongest Man of Berlin

This is the story of an extraordinary Berliner. His childhood in a completely destroyed Post World War II Berlin definitely shaped him. In that period Wolfgang Sadowski made of, at first, simple and seemingly insignificant actions, like helping his mother cook a hot meal, an act of rebellion against the misery and decay that surrounded him. Because, in the end, our little victories will help us make it through the day. Maybe that’s why he grew up unwilling to retreat and with the ambition to conquer every moment of his life.

This passionate man whose commitment and love for sports and, especially, weight lifting has made him maintain a positive attitude throughout his life and kept him young and vital until today. Weight lifting is presented to us as a metaphor for survival, persistence and overcoming the toughest times. And accompanying the strong visuals a beautiful and delicate soundtrack that allows us to immerse ourselves in the narration and that guides us through the daily life of Wolfgang.

But this is not my story to tell. This is Wolfgang Sadowski’s story. So grab a cup of your favorite hot beverage and let yourself enjoy this short film made by Felix and Isabella Hoffmann about Wolfgang Sadowski, the strongest man of Berlin.

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