A100 wegbassen:
Stop the further construction of the Berlin city highway.
Saturday. 02.09.2023. 02-19 pm. Markgrafendamm
Regardless of the global climate crisis, the Federal Ministry of Transport and its Autobahn GmbH are pushing the billion-dollar extension of the A100 city highway right through Friedrichshain and Lichtenberg. Apartments, open spaces as well as sub- and clubcultural places are to make way for it. We call on Berlin’s urban society to put a lasting and irrevocable end to this destructive project and to overturn the Federal Transport Plan and its numerous road construction projects.
Wreck all highways.
The dominance of the car and the power of the automobile companies is still unbroken in this country. Highways have always been a priority in Germany: For their construction, forests are cleared, allotments, green spaces and houses are demolished, otherwise untouchable property is expropriated – highways are the winning roads of fossil capitalism. The Berlin government, too, propagates the autoconformist city. The fact that the further construction of the A100 accelerates the destruction of natural resources and man-made climate change is irrelevant. In the affected neighborhoods, noise and emissions continue to rise, displacement and traffic collapse are the immediate consequences. The extension of the A100 would mean the end for more than twenty clubs and cultural venues; cultural open spaces, social projects and neighborhood communities that have grown over decades would be destroyed.
These prospects for the future are unacceptable to us. A climate-friendly city and a society of solidarity and social mobility can only be achieved against the autobahn and its supporters.
A100 wegbassen.
On Saturday, September 2, 2023, we declare the Markgrafendamm between Elsenbrücke to Ostkreuz a motorway-free zone. As a civil society alliance of neighborhood residents, climate activists and clubbers, we turn up the bass and invite you to a protest rave against the A100.
Environmental protection instead of car pollution.
Reclaim Berlin.
://blankstage | nie wieder autobahn:
Alex.Do (dystopian)
Amperia (golosa | poly|motion)
Ciko (live)
Hang Aoki (://about blank)
Jay Quentin (live)
Kwaint (://about blank | poly|motion)
Rodmin (://about blank)
Sylvie Maziarz (dualism / raw)
Club Ost Stage:
Skankstasy b2b Carmen 16 (Lecken)
Dirty Daddy Don b2b Menishu (Buttons)
Punktmidi (Stimulation)
Nina Berg (female:pressure)
Fips e.V. Stage:
Pink Wonder (concert)
Wonke Z
Clarissa Gnade
Resonanz Chor (concert)
Mo et Moi (concert)
Berlin Free City Jam Band (concert)
Bass Sick Shit (concert)
Geradedenken Stage:
LEYLA /NOUHEYLA b2b Flvgmodvs
Gigi Basso
FLOORi vs. Abriss Andrej
Renate & Else Stage:
Ady Toledano
S Ruston
Zukunft Stage:
250 cc (concert)
Forster (concert)
Andi Corpus (concert)
Secret Act (concert)
Freie Bühne:
Ohne Geld Syndikat (concert)
Havylici0us b2b Ginger b
Osiris b2b Dagobird
Der Schaffner b2b Aexhy