ALOW is the fourth project of CATALOGUE OF DISGUISE, directed by Tanja Bombach – a hallucinatory nightmare characterized by pervasive anxiety, loss of control and trepidation luring under the surface of three different escapist encounters. This underground tale explores feelings of restlessness and overstimulation in a fragmented way. It examines uncertainty as a collective state of mind, simultaneously haunted by notions of a lost past and anticipated future.
This immersive journey breaks down the underlying wish for escapism while experiencing a fickle and unsettling relationship with reality. Wielding a multidisciplinary arsenal of performance, sound and fashion, ALOW combines and bends characteristics of genres between arthouse, fashion film, screen dance and slow horror.
Following the screening, Simone Antonioni will perform new music material, including excerpts from the film’s soundtrack and studio recordings. Along with the event, Antonioni’s label VERLAG will release the music “ALOW” from the film.
Simone Antonioni is a Berlin-based artist who releases electronic music, publishes art material and performs live. In recent years Simone worked on a variety of multidisciplinary projects at the intersection of avant-garde music, experimental club scene, fashion, dance and performance.
Tanja Bombach is a director, designer and producer based in Berlin. She founded in 2018 the project series CATALOGUE OF DISGUISE and created various interdisciplinary performances and projects throughout the years dealing with the topics of choreographed identities, disguises and concepts around self-presentation.
Rahina is a Berlin based DJ. They host a monthly show INKONSEQUENT at Retreat Radio (Sweden), to explore experimental pop and emotional electronics.
Watch a trailer here.
Tickets: 9€