PANSY and GIEZA will be hosting an actual DRAG RACE on Tuesday, July 26th in Hasenheide.
Everyone is encouraged to enter to win! Contestants will run in high heels or platforms in broad daylight in full drag.
There are cash prizes for the winner and for best dressed. Get your looks together!
The only rules are that you *must* be in high heels or large platform style shoes, must wear a wig, hat, or head piece, and some form of makeup look. Show up at 19h to sign up. (You are responsible for your own safety.
Practice running in heels and enter at your own risk!)
This event is donation based and we will be collecting tips at the park (10€ sliding scale suggested goes direct to performers). Please give what you can. The race will start promptly at 19 Uhr and an extra special drag show will happen afterwards right in the park! May the best gender non-conforming cutie win!