The 15th of April at 11pm Trauma Bar und Kino will open its doors for Club Visage, a Fundraiser Event run by Simone Thiebaut in the city of demonstration and revolution, Paris. This edition will be hosted in Berlin for Nomi Sladko’s FFS surgery, so she can hit the operation theater on May 8.
Club Visage big debut in Berlin.
A word from Draft about Simone Thiebaut: “After years of building Parkingstone up as one of the leading nightlife event of Paris, actively queering up musical and performance scenes and relentlessly redefining the norm for what it meant to be together in a safe space, Simone took it on herself to demand to her faithful followers to help her through her transition by creating Club Visage. All the benefits from the entrance fees of the party have participated in financing the surgeries she deemed necessary to complete her transition process, as well as other trans siblings in need for the same support. As our Parade cover girl, we are so proud of all the work she’s done for our communities, strengthening and expanding them in ways that have and will shape the future of European queerness.”