In 2019, millions of people around the world showed what democracy can do. Thanks to Fridays For Future, many of us have rediscovered their role as responsible citizens in the midst of the climate catastrophe. No matter whether for a more consistent climate protection policy, more transparency in the fashion industry or the representation of diversity in the (fashion) media: Every day, people are committed to social changes online and offline in a variety of ways and thus inspire others to join them and increase the pressure on decision-makers.
As a content creator today, you have a great responsibility for your own content. What do I want to give my followers and who do I reach and how? Many of us wonder how they can use the built-up reach and their own voice to create awareness of the burning issues of our time.
In the Fashion Changers Community Talk we speak to activists and content creators from different areas. Why do you get involved? How do they spread their demands and empower others to position themselves socially as well? And: How do you manage to get involved in all the stress of everyday life without completely burning yourself out?