As our 4 year tour unfolds, we are delighted to announce FBM will host a night at the wonderful Kwia with 100% of our own angels. This time we’re showcasing the soothing, ambient, experimental and soft & wobbly side of the crew with DJ sets, a live and a hybrid one. Come by for a cosy get together and listening experience on Saturday November 9th.
We hope to see you there and call for your support: we will have a donation box at the entrance to support both the Berlin Legal Fund and civilians in Gaza and Lebanon.
Donations will be shared between two initiatives the Berlin Legal Fund and Medical Aid for Palestine.
The Berlin Legal Fund is a collective solidarity effort that provides direct support to protesters facing police repression in Berlin for their solidarity with Palestine and beyond.
Medical Aid for Palestine is an initiative that provides immediate medical aid to people in Gaza, the occupied west bank and Lebanon, while also developing local capacity and skills to ensure the long-term development of the Palestinian healthcare system.
For a detailed overview of how and where your contrubtion helps you can visit the links in bio that will lead you to the according websites with transparent information on how the initiatives support.