“I Feel you” is a performance created for an unconventional space, the former wood workshop. Now called Col23
The performance is conceived for the audience to walk through the space.
“I Feel You” is a group of people searching for access to complex feelings such as empathy and excitement through the infinite possibilities of today’s entertainment media. Starting from the nature of digital space and its effects on interpersonal interaction, the choreography is created with the help of neurophysiological findings. It is about the phenomenon that the perception of physical movements, caused by certain emotions of the moving person, generates the same emotions in the observer. This means that we actually feel with the other person – in the truest sense of the word, we can “empathize” with them. The choreography becomes a search for what activates our brain in our body as a result of having such mirror reactions.
Empathy is also treated musically by incorporating genres of classical and pop music, which paradigmatically serve as aesthetically exaggerated empathy catalysts, into the discourse: What is it about them that touches people so strongly, and how is it that massive emotional responses can be generated by mere melodic and rhythmic formulas that linger in our ears and cause an entire opera house or stadium to be flooded with a collective flow of tears?
“I Feel You” is a creation by and with the five permanent dancers of the company DorkyPark.
Get a ticket here: https://cutt.ly/sKrCtuw
photos: Thomas Aurin