Join Container Love for the closure celebration of Studio Apelbaum on three Saturdays in March (9th, 16th, 23rd)! We are thrilled to be part of this event and to showcase the mesmerizing art of photographers Anil Ayhan and Kemara Pol.
Surrounded by fellow artists and friends, Studio Apelbaum focuses on photography with Ele French Space na Orta, Werner Amann, Kemara Pol, Elmamo Alawam, Ghazal Hamwi, Panos Aprahamian and Anil Ayhan & multimedia installation by Apelbaum & Tsanga, performance by SLEX ART and installation by Elena Sohmen. DJ set by Kasumi and YonYon.
Don’t miss out on this unique experience!
Check out @studio_apelbaum for more information about the events.