In Milla Koistinen’s new production “Magenta Haze”, the performers engage in play with large, colourful objects, yielding a choreography of subtle tipping points between distance and proximity, solidarity and alienation, fragility and strength, and the individual and the group. Created by visual artist Sandra E. Blatterer, the inflated objects take on different forms, meanings, and associations as the performers explore their materiality, haptics, and sonic qualities. “Magenta Haze” is presented as part of the collaboration :LOVE: between Tanzfabrik and Radialsystem presented in Radialsystem’s spaces. The initiative “Radialsystem ♥ Tanzfabrik” fosters cooperation between the two institutions specifically to improve the conditions of presentation by dancemakers.
With “Magenta Haze”, Koistinen explores group dynamics and individual behaviour within a collective, as well as communal ecstasy and collective joy. Inspired by the idea that ecstasy is a state in which we step out of ourselves and move to a “different” place, Koistinen invites the audience to move around the space and observe the choreography.
Milla Koistinen is a Finnish choreographer based in Berlin. She has graduated from the Theatre Academy in Helsinki with MA in dance and from HZT Berlin with MA in choreography. She has worked among others with Kristian Smeds, Hiroaki Umeda, Peter Verhelst, Christine Gaigg and Cie Heddy Maalem. Since 2008 she tours her own work internationally and teaches in various contexts. In 2020-2024 Koistinen’s work is supported by apap – FEMINIST FUTURES – a project co-founded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.
Tickets: 10–25€