Showtime! is the grand finale of The Hunger – Symposium combining a diverse program by content creators from around the world.
Claiming the Runway
Fashion Show • Murat Mutlu Karaduman AKA Görünmezkaza
Fashion designer and digital artist Murat Mutlu Karaduman AKA Görünmezkaza reformulates with humor the visual universe of high fashion in his little town in Turkey. Combining highly refined designs with the local stories encrypted in the textiles used, he creates playful narratives where local traditions, community life, and global fashion trends intersect. For this event, he created original designs in collaboration with different generations of neighbors from Berlin.
The Theatricality of Content Creation
Performance • Martin Rechimuzzi • Brand Cupid
Content Creators have been developing new theatrical languages for the small screens in our hands. But what are the elements that are actually coming from theater, and what happens when some characters and texts developed for the digital realm make their way to very IRL spaces ?
Argentinian actor, political scientist and content creator Martin Rechimuzzi will present a lecture-performance in collaboration with the dancers of Dorky Park. “Landscapes and aesthetics of madness in the digital realm” follows a research in psychiatric hospitals, while addressing digitality as a new territory where we increasingly settle crucial aspects of our life. He will explore new notions of time (no-time) and the algorithm as a Leviathan building up tailored realities (beings who are always right).
South African content creator Brand Cupid aka “The World Register” is an expert in voicing an opinion without and displacing POVs. She will be turning her iconic video stitches into a live interactive experience with the Berlin Audience
Disasters of Scale
Lecture • Kevin Slavin
Kevin Slavin takes us on a journey toward the future, where AI represents a moment in which all human knowledge, conversation, and cultural production is being absorbed into a unified front-end interface. Like all mining processes, however, decisions are made in advance about where to dig, and what to extract. Are all of these good decisions?
Founder of Area/Code, former faculty at MIT Media Lab and teacher at NYU, Slavin works at the intersection of science, technology and culture, focusing on embracing complexity in systems and working to make them delight, not disappear.
A Show by the Latin Queen of Youtube in Collaboration with the Dancers of Dorky Park
Concert • Show • La Tigresa del Oriente
“From the Peruvian Amazonas to the global stage” of the online world, she became a cult figure with her 2009 viral music video “Un Nuevo Amanecer”. La Tigresa del Oriente is a Meme powerhouse and pioneer digital trendsetter, who keeps reinventing herself as her work evolves through different social media formats.
Panel Talk
Murat Mutlu Karaduman • Martin Rechimuzzi • Brand Cupid • M.I.K Family • Kevin Slavin • Constanza Macras
Join us for an engaging discussion as content creators and art makers spill the tea on their work, sharing the challenges they face and the hot stories that have shaped their journeys. We will explore the parallels between different creative practices and what practitioners can learn from one another. Topics will include audience engagement, the influence of algorithms, attention spans, collaborative writing, improvisation, and techniques such as collage and referencing.
Everybody on Stage!
Performance, Workshop Presentation
Join us for a vibrant celebration of the latest dance trends inspired by both small and big screens! After two days of engaging Viral Dance Machine workshops, participants will have the opportunity to showcase what they have learned on the grand stage. Don’t miss this chance to see fresh talent and exciting choreography come to life! Featuring Dorkypark and the M.I.K Family.