Lunacy Berlin, the renowned event series House of Lunacy, The House of Red Doors and creators of Berlin’s most creative Luniverse are known for their decadent and vibrant themes and dedicated audiences. Lunacy Berlin is proud to announce its latest immersive theater production, “SIN.” This extravagant showcase promises an unforgettable evening of Circus, Burlesque, Performance Art, music, and theatrical Immersive Theatre elements.
Date: November 3rd, 2023
Time: 18:30 Show 20:00
Location: Theater des Westens, Berlin
Lunacy Berlin has been a fixture of Berlin’s underground nightlife, captivating audiences with it’s world renowned event series House of Lunacy and The House of Red Doors. Lunacy Berlin has also been enthralling audiences with their Weimar Berlin-inspired immersive dinner event, “Weisse Maus.” This sell-out sensation has been a testament to Lunacy Berlin’s commitment to creativity, bravery, and celebrating the rich history of queer communities within Berlin.
“SIN” is a daring exploration of what it means to be sinful and delves deep into human desires and expression. The show brings together a diverse cast of talented world renowned performers, combining Circus acts, Burlesque performances, avant-garde Performance Art, and live music to create an immersive experience like no other.
This one-night-only event at Theater des Westens is a celebration of Berlin’s decadent underground nightlife scene and bringing the magic and debauchery to the main stage. Lunacy Berlin invites attendees to adorn themselves in their finest theatrical outfits and join their divine lunatics in a night to celebrate the scene’s resilience, creativity, and diversity.
“Lunacy Berlin has always been about pushing boundaries and celebrating the extraordinary,” said Billie Rae, Director of Lunacy Berlin. “With ‘SIN,’ we’re taking our audience on a journey into the depths of desire and self-expression with our own creative flair, and we can’t wait to share this unique experience with them.”
Don’t miss the opportunity to witness Lunacy Berlin’s collective performers as they step out of the clubs to the grand stage at Theater des Westens. Get ready for a night of revelry, self-discovery, and boundary-pushing artistry.
Tickets and more information about “SIN” and Lunacy Berlin.