Dream Miyake-Mugler invites you to celebrate their birthday with this mini ball. But even more to celebrate their biggest ballroom inspirations, parents, role models, and influences. The categories will be inspired by them – to pay homage and give them their flowers.
From Creamy to Steamy to Dreamy – you know it will be a blast!
Tickets for spectators and participants at the door. Cash only!
Participants: 10€
QT*BIPOC/Ballroom Community: 15€
Others: 20€
Lucca 007 (Munich / Belo Horizonte)
Ashanti Ninja (Hamburg)
Jayce Gorgeous Gucci (Barcelona)
German Overseer Yukiko Saint-Laurent (Berlin)
Zaniah Revlon (Hamburg)
Seven Garçon (Rotterdam)
Magia Prodigy (Berlin)
David 007 (Düsseldorf / Berlin)
Xena Miyake-Mugler (Bologna)
Paris Father Laganja Balmain (Paris)