Calling all the trans/fag/dykes of Berlin!
Whether you’re shy or flamboyant or both: come join us at Lark on Jan. 12th.
The Allesbien collective who organized the very first dyke* festival in Berlin has joined forces with the amazing queer trans liberation movement to organize a dyke centered party for all of us queer people.
What we provide: great space, great djs, an opportunity to connect with other trans/fags/dykes and surprises throughout the night.
What you bring: your body, your friends, respect and open-mindedness.
You know, this feeling when you leave the club, the legs tired and the heart replenished? Well, that’s exactly what you will feel after you’ve spent a beautiful night with your fellow and beloved queerz.
We will dance, we will chat , we will flirt.
You don’t want to miss it!
Times are tough and we need to meet, connect and celebrate our precious and fragile lives.
Oh, by the way, this is a not for profit party – the proceeds will allow to pay the artists and fund other queer events, that’s it.