Get ready to relive the raw energy of the 90s! On the occasion of “Träum Weiter — Berlin, die 90er”, we’re teaming up with @tresorberlin for a legendary night of music, visuals, and nostalgia. Let’s celebrate where it all began—see you on the dance floor with
Clé & Eva Be @loyoto_aka_evabe_cle @kahlckecle
DJ T–1000 aka Alan Oldham @alan_oldham_
Josh Wink @joshwink1
Miss Djax @missdjax
Sven von Thülen @svenvt_909
Tanith @dj_tanith
Experience Berlin’s unforgettable 90s with a slideshow of 120 iconic OSTKREUZ photos in the Globus lounge, paired with an outdoor installation that brings the sights and sounds of the decade to life.
Tickets at the door only
Part of “Träum Weiter — Berlin, die 90er”
Daily on view 11:00–20:00, until 22.01.25
In cooperation with @agenturostkreuz
Made possible by Lotto Stiftung Berlin
Photo: @thomas_meyer_ostkreuz, Thomas Meyer, Tresor, Berlin-Mitte, 2000 © Thomas Meyer/OSTKREUZ