Daniel is a sex worker. In the solo performance Traumboy, he reports on his experiences as a prostitute. He explains why he started this job and describes his customers and their wishes. The audience experiences a young man who enjoys prostitution. The only problem: the stigma.
Kim is an actress. She is also a sex worker, once sold soap, is a barmaid, German, Polish … In Traumgirl Kim negotiates what it is like to work in the border area between “real work”, performance and so-called “dirty work”.
Traumboy and Traumgirl move between documentary theater and auto-fiction and question the double standards of a fully capitalized and over-sexualized society as well as the importance of sex and work in the neoliberal system. The bodies on the stage become projection screens for fears, fantasies and contradictions. What can a woman / man reveal about himself? What not? And who pays the price?