The Federal Government’s Self-Determination Act (SBGG) is terrible. The Bundestag is due to vote on it in February. What can be done – aesthetically, politically, activistically?
As a loose follow-up to the joint work »ANTIGONE pitched«, we want to explore connections between aesthetics, desire and the law in an open discussion. The piece stages the pleasurable attitude of refusal, but also the pleasure of prohibition. We ask: How do we deal with the fact that queer and trans aesthetics are part of the repertoire on Berlin’s theater and music stages, while in the same city an extremely regressive and restrictive law can be passed on the political stage with almost no resistance?
With decolonial, anti-ableist, anti-racist and transfeminist perspectives, as well as in exchange with the alliance Selbst Bestimmung Selbst Gemacht (SBSG), which recently presented a self-determined counter-draft, we want to discuss possibilities for action together.
Admission free, donations are welcome
2,5 hours
Luce deLire , Julia*n Meding