While the commercialisation of Instagram (over 400 million active monthly users) has brought many innovative ways to utilise mobile cameras, #berlin aims at presenting the most authentic Instagram photography beyond the clichés of selfies and foodporn. This new sub-culture of creative adventure-junkies does things differently. Rather than investing in expensive equipment their mobile cameras are their most loyal artistic tools to capture that one decisive moment. Many did not go to art school – their creativity stems from free experimentation and expression. Instagramers personify youthful curiosity and thirst for exploring – and they come in groups. They see what you don’t see – and they go where you don’t go. #berlin is a tribute to the way in which Instagram photographers have deepened our visual understanding of the city so many of us call home.
Participating Instagramers: Andrewandryou, Berlinstagram, Berlintensiv, Brainy_artist, Ellamsinger, Exil_et_royaume, Ezgipolat, Foxofix, Frailfrail, framedbyjad, Franz.becker, Helinbereket, iheartberlin, Jeissonmartin, Jn, juancamiloberlin, Knurrt, Konaction, Lindaberlin, Loewe7, Marisahampe, Mr_sunset, Nomadic_by_choice, Oh_hedwig, Tellpas, Thomas_k, Uwa2000.
Curated by: Ferdinand Prinz, Brando Wild, Olga Potschernina, Frank R. Schröder
#berlin took place from Nov 29 – Dec 5, 2015 at the Blogfabrik space in Kreuzberg. This is the online version, see impression of the live exhibition at here. You can purchase all exhibited photographs over at Post Collective.