The message ‘Love Is Stronger’ could not me more important right now as we live in a time where we have to watch videos of Nazi salutes and police violence against peaceful protestors on social media on the daily. It’s the motto of this year’s edition of Rave the Planet – the reincarnation of the iconic Love Parade from the 90s – and the love could really be felt in the street between Siegessäule and Brandenburger Tor this weekend. It’s our third time joining the parade and capturing some of its visitors for you and we really had a great time there once again. The energy and the vibe is just so infectious.
Club Culture is so essential to Berlin, there are so many important aspects to it that go way beyond partying and hedonism. Many of the collectives, clubs and organizers do important work in terms of nightlife politics and activism. Without these movers and shakers, we would have so much less liberties, spaces and possibilities – Berlin would not be the same without them. Rave the Planet, among many other things, is a tribute to club culture, not just here in Berlin, but everywhere in the world really. It emphasizes the individual voices of the scene, brings them together and spreads their messages. Club culture, and more specifically techno culture, is all about freedom of expression, unity, peace and the joy of life. Without it, Berlin would not be the same.
We wanna share with you this year’s impressions of the parade in hopes that next year you will be joining us!
photos: Frank R. Schröder