Fashion Week and Islam: Princess Hijab

Fashion Week and Islam: Princess Hijab

Five years ago I wrote for the first time about Princess Hijab – a street ad-busting artist (like Vermibus from Berlin)  who changes the look of advertising fashion campaigns by painting a veil over the pretty photoshopped faces of the models. Because of the current Fashion Week I was looking back into old articles and realized how on the edge her art is in this particular time. Even if she seems not active as an artist any more, I wanted to look deeper into the meaning of her artwork to see if it could help me with my thoughts about the current political situation.

Read the results of my thinking after the veil. 😉

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The Anti-Fashion Week: Princess Hijab


Street artists who jump through the night to take their revenge on society have always had something romantic for me. That’s also why I am a big fan of the following ad-busting artist: Princess Hijab loves to put some nasty black paint over the pretty western faces of Parisian ads. Putting the face behind a painted veil should definitely demonstrate that the discussion between western and oriental believes about culture are not getting to a right result. Even if I am not so sure what kind of message Princess Hijab actually has on her mind with her art, I love the way she takes my attention and makes me think. For a more traditional approach you might perhaps check out the Veil-Fashion-Blog (no kidding). More pics of the ad busting work of Princess Hijab after the jump.

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