The Most Amazing Tattoo Artists in Berlin

The Most Amazing Tattoo Artists in Berlin

I got sucked into the tattoo world via stick n poke (read: prison tat) of a very unintentionally abstract and barely identifiable jellyfish. Who would have guessed that this regrettable arrangement of dots poked into my arm (with an unsanitary sewing needle and pen-ink) by a strange boy in our inebriated stupor would have lead me into the world of what is now one of my favourite forms of art: tattoos. We all have different approaches to tattoos—some of us sit on an idea or design for months, even years before getting it permanently engraved into our bodies, and some of us (myself included) have been known to get inked on impulse. Acquiring a collection of tattoos on your body has become a prominent form of self-expression, especially in the art and fashion world, and it came as no surprise that we found many tattoo artists taking root in Berlin, rendering a whole spectrum of life to their art and etching stories into blank canvases of skin. Click on to check out 10 Berlin-based tattoo artists and studios that really grabbed our attention.

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The Weekly Event Guide

The Weekly Event Guide

Miami Horror

This week we are getting a bit of a rest of all those Berlin Something Weeks as we are right between the art week and the social media week. It’s definately more calm, but I’m glad, less to chose from sometimes is a blessing. This week we have some great exhibition opening, workshops, talks and of course parties! The weekly events right after the jump.

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