It’s a bit like a wife swap what we have been doing, only that we are swapping our Kiezes. Last week Claudio showed you how he invited his Mitte girls over to his neighborhood in Friedrichshain. And this week I’ll show you the tour I did at the same day with my Friedrichshain friends over here in Mitte. On my tour through my district Mitte I have decided to go to the places that I personally frequent the most. This includes my favorite cafe for breakfast, the park that I hang out a lot in the summer, the restaurants I love to eat at and the contemporary art galleries that I like to visit.
It was a most pleasant experience to do all these things on one sunny day and share them with dear friends. It was interesting to see through their eyes what has become so familiar to me. At the end of the day we met up with Claudio and his friends to have dinner together and go for drinks to celebrate our little tours.
To make it possible for you to follow us on our tour through Mitte I recorded all of our steps with details, comments and photos on the Amble with Louis Vuitton iPhone App. Have a look at the photo gallery after the jump to be inspired. Download the Amble App to take our iHeartBerlin Mitte tour or record your own Amble.
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by Frank | Mitte
What do we love about our city? What makes us wander around in search for adventure, fun, love or even happiness? Is it the expectation that we share with others about a better living? Is it the sparkle of unexpected beauty that we see through the cracks of the walls and the dirt on the street. When I arrived and settled in Berlin- Friedrichshain seven years ago it felt like coming home from a long journey. And this feeling never left my side.
One of the most amazing experience I made a couple of weeks ago when I had the chance to share all my favourite places in my neighborhood with my a slightly snobby, but very lovely Mitte-friends. And seeing my home kiez through their eye’s made me even prouder of where and how I live. We passed by all my favourite spots and documented it with the iPhone for the new Amble with Louis Vuitton App.
With Amble it is easily possible to create urban tours and share it with your friends. You can also follow the footsteps of other Amblers like Sofia Coppola, Anna de la Russo, Rachel Weisz and many more. After the jump you can see the lovely tour we made through Friedrichshain. Download the Amble with Louis Vuitton App to follow our tour or create your own Amble.
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by Claudio | Friedrichshain
This city is a magnificent giant playground and even if the fun we have doing one thing is sometimes as big as the frustration about missing another, we love to live here after all. But what does ‘here’ actually mean? What is ‘your’ Berlin? I realize more and more that people tend to stay within their districts. Forgetting about the big Metropolis around them they seem to be so immerged into the little village we call „Kiez“.
This is what we realized when we prepared ourself for the Amble experience, a brand new iPhone App by Louis Vuitton that helps you create little walking tours through your city and tagging your favorite places with photos, videos and comments.
Our friends are so attached to their Kiezes that they never go anywhere else. That’s why we kidnapped them from their neighborhoods and went on walking tours through Mitte and Friedrichshain documenting all the new things they discovered so that we can share their experience with our readers. Stay tuned for the whole tours and make yourself acquainted with Amble with Louis Vuitton.
by Claudio | Stories