Do the Right Thing: A Bauhaus-inspired Theater Piece

Do the Right Thing: A Bauhaus-inspired Theater Piece

When I read that the new theater piece Do the Right Thing by Ariel Efraim Ashbel was heavily inspired by Bauhaus I was already sold! Already I imagined the second coming of Oskar Schlemmer’s iconic Triadic Ballet. And indeed you will find a lot of references in the piece: costumes that are more objects than garments, sharp geometric shapes, bold prime colors, the grid pattern on the floor. Just like Schlemmer Ashbel questions the norms of theater of the time. His piece is so abstract, blurring the lines between performers, objects, lights, and the stage – everything seems to have an equal weight in the whole picture. While watching the piece it is all up to you to either just enjoy the almost ritualistic successions of movements in a space filled with color gradients that keep shifting back and forth, or you try to decipher the embedded details of the abstracted message of the title that you will find scattered all over the piece. Either way, you will be drawn in by powerful visuals and an even more captivating live soundtrack by Hacklander \ Hatam.

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