The People I’ve Met in Berlin

The People I’ve Met in Berlin

photo: Alejandro Arretureta

I never thought I’d move to Germany after finishing high school. But somehow (let’s pull down the merciful curtain of silence as to how exactly) I ended up doing just that. I turned up here, quite uninvited, and disheartened by every confused “wie bitte?” I kept hearing. I had my naive and uninformed vision of Berlin as a place where Nick Cave wrote a book and Wim Wenders made a movie, and that was what constituted my expat starter pack. As it turned out, that and the curiosity to recognize different Berlin lifestyles was all I needed.

At first I felt quite overwhelmed by the variety of people I’d met. Being Polish, and with the super comforting awareness that my mum’s just four hours away, I really felt the least adventurous and exotic among all the fantastic people coming from overseas. I loved this cultural diversity and soon didn’t feel surprised anymore that most of my new friends spoke English, but kein Deutsch.

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Snippets Of A Lifetime: A Look Beneath The Surface of Berliners

Snippets Of A Lifetime: A Look Beneath The Surface of Berliners

We pass thousands of strangers each and every day and we tend to forget, that behind every person there is a unique life story; an individual path that led those strangers to be where they are today and right in this moment. Intrigued by this thought and her passion for the stories beneath the surface, Carolin Kraft spend the last 2 years working on her film project Snippets Of A Lifetime.

So far Carolin filmed 12 episodes, following 12 totally different individuals from Berlin, Chemnitz, Switzerland and Senegal into their personal universe, letting them talk about their ups and downs in life. Carolin’s short films remind us how important it is to look beneath and listen to people and their valuable lessons they have to share. Learn more about this beautiful project after the jump…

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