Refik Anadol, König Galerie.
With venues currently reducing their events and clubs canceling their parties due to the current rise of infections, the fear is pretty big that we’re heading into another long and boring Winter of nothing much to do. But before you book your flight out of the impending doom, hear me out: Berlin still has a lot going on. There are still a lot of theater shows and exhibitions going on this December that you definitely shouldn’t miss out on.
With our latest guide, we want to shine a light on some current highlights from the world of contemporary art that can be enjoyed here in Berlin. We took a look around to some of our favorite museums and galleries and found a plethora of amazing exhibitions that we want to share with you here. The iconic St. Agnes a.k.a. König Galerie is of course part of it – as per usual since this is our favorite gallery – but also the nearby Berlinische Galerie, Neukölln’s KINDL brewery as well as the beautiful Schinkelpavillon in Mitte. Expect some bizarre Alien sculptures, digital art from the world of NFTs, some latex rubber suits à la American Horror Story and a portrait show questioning masculinity.
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by Frank | Art
Aleksandar Duravcevic, “Another Winter” at König Galerie
The temperature is finally albeit still timidly encouraging us to get out into the streets – and if it’s not your first spring in Berlin, you know there’s more to enjoy than the lighthearted routine of acquiring some refreshments at a Spati and draining them in some lovely nature setting. It goes without saying that you can experience art (from murals to street buskers and beyond) in virtually every corner of this fine town, but Berlin is home to many galleries as well, most of which are free of charge! Get your creative juices flowing with the iHeartBerlin guide to the spring exhibition highlights!
by Michalina | Art
photo: Christer Strömholm
In terms of exhibitions Berlin seems to be on fire right now. Recently I have been to so many exhibitions in a row that my head is still spinning from all the impressions and inspiration I got from it. I love that Berlin never seizes to amaze me with the art that is being shown here. And yes, maybe sometimes there are a lot of bad exhibitions here, but let’s focus on the good and at the moment there is quite a lot of good in town. To give you something to do for the next couple of weeks I compiled a list of 7 big exhibition that I think you shouldn’t miss. Enjoy the art after the jump.
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by Frank | Art
The 4. Kunstnacht at Berlinische Galerie once again brought together the elements of art, music and party in one big event with live music by Planningtorock and Nova Heart and a great exhibition. Enjoy the photos after the jump.
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by Frank | Art, Music, Party
photo: Sven Marquardt, 1986
A Shuttered Society – Photography in the GDR was an exhibition about artistic photography in the GDR that took place at Berlinische Galerie in 2012. The exhibition dealt with the photographic currents and the relation to media in this period and it was the first extensive showcase of the artistic work from photographers from the GDR. There was a series of photographs that showed the development of photography and also told about the everyday life in the GDR. The exhibition was divided into three parts: the socially engaged photography that was interested in a representation of reality, the artistic photography which emphasized on an artistic expression, and the photography of the young artists who underlined their bodies and their perception and parted from the traditions of the older generation. Enjoy a look back at some of the highlights after the jump.
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by Frank | Art
On 23 February 2011 the exhibition „Time is out of joint“ about Boris Mikhailov was opened at Berlinische Galerie. It features photographs from 1966 until 2011. Boris Mikhailov’s multi-facetted oeuvr consists of both conceptual art and documentary photography that shows the poverty and despair that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union. More pictures after the jump.
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by Jens | Art
Boris Mikhailov “ohne Titel” (from the series “Case History”), 1997-1999, Sammlung Berlinische Galerie
Prostitution at Walter König, Pornography at KW, Pushy Kissers at Galerie Lüttgenmeijer – what the hell is going on? Beside all that filthy stuff, a great retrospective of Boris Mikhailov at Berlinische Galerie, loads of exciting artist talks and British conceptual art is to be expected in Berlin’s upcoming art week. Check it out after the jump…
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by Anna-Lena | Art, Misc.
“You killed me first” at KW Institute
We can look forward to another week of exciting movie screenings and great openings: KW celebrates cinematic perversity and New York’s Rock’n’Roll-times with their exhibition about the Cinema of Transgression, Werner Herzog introduces individuals who have been sentenced to death, Bertien van Manen documents the habits of Russian peasantry and Alicja Kwade spins around in circles. See all details after the jump…
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by Anna-Lena | Art, Misc., Movies
An awesome big art exhibition open up until late? A night of concerts with amazing video projections? A quirky and fun art and photo installation and performance? And a big party on top of all that? What sounds like a whole schedule of events was actually all coming together at Berlinische Galerie last Saturday at the Kunstnacht11 with concerts by Jahcoozi and Creep as well as a performance by Crystal Mafia. After the jump you’ll find some impressions of the night.
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by Frank | Art, Music, Party
photo: Norman Konrad for Sleek
We are still in the middle of the Kunstherbst with more major art events going on. This week we have the big STROKE urban art fair, some knitting action, la grand dame Tori Amos live, la dame bizarre Planningtorock, another Blitz rival, a Weekday event, the big Kunstnacht party and much more… after the jump.
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by Frank | Art, Fashion, Movies, Music, Party