Crafty Berlin: A Design Workshop with berlin-re-cycle

Crafty Berlin: A Design Workshop with berlin-re-cycle

photos: Valerie-Siba Rousparast

Using something old and repurposing it for something entirely different – doesn’t this sound like something totally typical for Berlin? Just think of all the old, disused buildings close to the “death strip” back in the early nineties that were re-used by the artist and subculture scene for various new purposes, all the nightclubs in old factories and power stations. Think of all the cafes and bars fully furnished with granny’s old interior, the urban playgrounds like Holzmarkt or Klunkerkranich made of scrap wood and metal. There are countless examples here in Berlin that paint a picture of a city that constantly recycles and repurposes itself.

Stuart N. R. Wolfe is one of the creative minds in Berlin that perfectly understands the spirit of Berlin. For his project berlin-re-cycle he found one disused material that Berlin has quite a lot of: Old abandoned bikes. The streets are full of them and Stuart saw them as a great source for material. Through his work as a sculptor and furniture designer he already handled a lot of unusual materials and created new shapes in the past. With the scrap pieces of the bikes he now extended his repertoire with something quite practical: lamps.

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Boys on Bikes in Berlin – A Portrait Series

Boys on Bikes in Berlin – A Portrait Series

Photo journalist Guney Cuceloglu used to take portraits of New York City and has proven to have quite the keen eye on how to capture the urban charme of the metropolis on the other side of the Atlantic. Now that he has relocated to Berlin he is faced with a different pace and aesthetic and is eager to explore the city from all its compelling angles. One of his first series of photos that he has been doing here is titled #BikeBerlin and is basically about people and their bikes in their Berlin neighborhoods. We selected our favorites from the series which were the boys of course. Enjoy some boys on bikes in Berlin after the jump and if it gets you into the mood to explore Berlin by bike than check out Claudio’s bike route guide.

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