Broken Party Scene

Same same but a bit different. The Bar has all of us back again. Have a laugh when that bloke from work stumbles around without control or people kiss in the corners who really aren’t supposed to kiss. It’s afterhour. It is different though, but why? It’s bigger and nicer is it and more of the skip Saturday night – have brunch with your parents  – then pop into that afterhour – kind? Beware..! Parties as usual after the jump:

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Dancing in the Rain!

“Hannes” by Julia Luka Lila Nitzschke, opening of Lipstick & Icecream on Friday

The open air – season just goes on for a little while, so get yourself a pair of Wellingtons just as Kate did back than in 2005 on the festival, when it was Pete at her side, and show the rain your brightest lipstick-smile. The best parties for the coming weekend inside and outside, hot and wet, but never boring, right after the jump:

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