The Weekly Event Guide

The Weekly Event Guide

Van She

This week is going to be quite busy for me as I will put all my energy in the preparations of our big 5th Birthday Party on Saturday that you should all come to! It’s going to be a lot of fun and I’m crazy excited because it really is a very special occasion for me. In other news: It’s Social Media Week. Another of those weeks. But we are a blog and have our asses deep down in Facebook, Twitter and whatnot so we are actually affected. What else is going on? Find out after the jump.

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The Weekly Event Guide

Zola Jesus

While lately most of the events we had in our little Monday guide were art events, this week is pretty mixed with openings, fashion events, movies, parties, workshops, concerts and for the first time: a very special sports event… Learn more about it and all the other events after the jump.

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