left: artwork by Tony Cragg, right: Bar Brass.
You all know the story of Alice in Wonderland, right? Young Alice falls down a rabbit hole one day and lands in a magical world unknown to her. That’s more or less what it’s like when you visit the Bildgießerei Noack in Berlin. Maybe you haven’t even thought about it, considering all the art to be discovered in Berlin. Why this should change as soon as possible, I tell you here.
Most of the time, all roads to art lead to the Museum Island – after all, there’s a lot to see there. But sometimes you get off the path. Then you may suddenly find yourself in front of an impressive industrial building that calls itself the Bildgießerei Noack. What at first glance is architecturally stunning carries in its interior the history of a long tradition: the casting of sculptures.
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by Paula | Art, Museums, Restaurants
It’s a warm lazy Friday afternoon in Berlin. The temperature is high and the mood is dazzling. The weekend is ahead and everybody just wants to go home and change into their party shirts. But on this particular afternoon two weeks ago Berliners had a little surprise on their way home.
In collaboration with smart, the car brand who is well known for its minimal need of parking space, the brass band Moop Mama did a spectacular pop-up concert near Berlin Dom. We had the chance to be there while the band was playing and could dance and jump with the spontaneous crowd of Berliners. Check out the video here.
The idea behind the concert #morespacefor #music is to show how much better the parking space could be used if cars would be smaller. I like the approach and think that this kind of events are part of the dialogue we need to find out in what kind of city we all want to live in.
Below there are some photos from the concert.
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by Claudio | Music, Stories