The All-Day Breakfast Guide for Berlin

The All-Day Breakfast Guide for Berlin

I’m a total breakfast person. Well, I’m a food person in general, but breakfast is the most important meal for me and even if I have a busy day ahead of me I will take my time and indulge in my daily breakfast routine.

I love eating out for breakfast with friends or for business meetings. It sets me in the perfect mood for just about anything the day may bring, to first be served coffee, scrambled eggs, pancakes or cakes. But sadly, the majority of cafes and restaurants don’t align with my nighthawk schedule and super-late breakfast sessions. I never understood why restaurants decide to limit the time they serve certain dishes even though they still have the same cook and the same ingredients in the house. It seems to be one of those German bureaucratic rules that you just have to oblige.

But Berlin wouldn’t be Berlin if there weren’t at least some places that operate outside of these silly rules. I have selected 8 of my favorite places that I gratefully visit on a regular basis for a little all-day breakfast guide for Berlin.

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