Busker Diaries – Berlin’s Best Street Musicians

Busker Diaries – Berlin’s Best Street Musicians

For the longest time of my life in Berlin the appearance of street musicians made me want to change the car of the subway or the side of the street. For some reason only the least talented people on the planet seemed to be the ones who decided to play live in public here. But in the past few years this has changed. A lot. Now all of a sudden I find myself amazed by the quality of the music that we get to hear now in the U-Bahn stations. I guess the influx of people coming to Berlin in recent time also brought some talent.

The Busker Diaries is a new video series dedicated to the most talented street musicians. The term Busker itself is pretty new to me, I guess it’s a a shorter and more sexy way to describe that you play music in the streets and make a living from the donations of the people and self-produced CD sales. Of the three episodes that have been released so far we like the first one the most with the blue-haired Katie O’Connor who makes really good folk music. Enjoy the film after the jump!

For the upcoming Berlin Festival and the Re:Publica conference the makers of the Busker Diaries are hosting open stages that still have some available slots for musicians. If you are interested you can contact them through their Facebook page.

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