In Love with Llewyn Davis

In Love with Llewyn Davis

New York in the 60s. The Lower East Side is the stomping ground of painters, musicians, writers and artists of all disciplines. High hopes are their common denominators but most of them struggle to make a living off their passion. Llewyn Davis (Oscar Isaac) is a folk singer who isn’t particularly successful. He sleeps on his friends (Justin Timberlake, Carey Mulligan) couch, repeatedly plays the same venue and is deeply hurt by his ex-partners suicide. The new Coen Brothers film Inside Llewyn Davis dives deep into Llewyns world and takes the viewer onto a wonderful journey through one of the most vulnerable souls of film history.

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Wes Anderson Double Feature!

Wes Anderson Double Feature!

For weeks I have been planning to write about Moonrise Kingdom and Wes Anderson this week. In preparation I watched all his previous films again, read reviews and background info and watched the trailer again and again. What I forgot to do is go to the cinema. Well now it’s already Tuesday so instead of a review of Moonrise Kingdom all I can write is an introduction to Wes Andersons older pieces and promise to tell you all about his new film next week. So let’s get started on our Wes Anderson Double feature…

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Fighting for Life…

Fighting for Life…

There are currently two films in the cinema that deal with the topic of cancer. The independant French movie Declaration of War and the larger budget american production 50/50. Although films on cancer aren’t exactly the most uplifting topic, I decided to go with it anyway. Especially because the films take such different approaches to the difficult topic…

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4 Amazing Movies – Me in Films

4 Amazing Movies – Me in Films

Films entertain and take us to another world. They move and sometimes motivate to rethink, review and possibly even adjust the way we look at the world. Starting next Tuesday I will present new films, films on current topics or films for a certain mood each week. But I wanted to start by introducing myself first. I would have described myself differently yesterday than I would today, so I decided to use films that changed me instead of static verbs.

Whenever I walk into a cinema I get really calm and as soon as the film starts I forget about the world surrounding me and are all-alone with the flickering images. Some films really got a hold of me and released me back into my world with a truly new perspective. I remember all four situations very clearly and like to think back, but all films I do not want to watch again. Out of fear of ruining the memory, respect for the momentum back then and the presumption that the catharsis cannot be reproduced. Strictly subjective the selection might leave you with an impression of who I am and certainly hint at what you can expect on Tuesdays on iHeartBerlin.

See this week’s selection after the jump.

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