Gay! Or Not? Or what?


Last Weekend posed a question of vital importance.

Which of the numerous parties would I grace with my presence? First of course, I made my way to Picknick in order to clink glasses with Florian, the gorgeous doormen, who had his birthday celebrated last Saturday. Rumours were afloat, he would leave Berlin for good, but it now turned out, he remains with us a little while. I then had to make a decision, either going to Horse Meat Disco, watching all the unreachable gay guys and getting a depression or making my way to Revaler Straße, heading to Vice and Joakim and the Disco. With regard to my mental health I took off to Vice at Cargo. On my way from the nasty metro that was filled with a lot of screwed guys I met T Daance of the fabulous Macaronic Duo and his lovely girlfriend Gina who were on her way to Horse Meat Disco. After convincing them to come with us to Cargo, we there got a bit confused. Where were the free drinks we expected? Surprise! There weren’t any! After pushing away the wave of disappointment floating me I wanted to see Joakim and the Disco. But I failed in trying to enter the room. It was so crowded I couldn’t be bothered to get squashed. By the way, I once had the same feeling while being in Egypt, where I tried to walk into the inside of a pyramid, together with hundreds of other tourists…brrr. A bit of a bigger location next time, PLEASE! Hush hush, back to Picknick where some of the very young folks became a little wild during the morning hours. I guess it has been some people’s first proper tippling, ain’t it? Take a look of the pictures i have taken that night. Additionally I added some of the Lucky Strike Party that took place some time ago also at Cargo.

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The girls just HATE to pose

Hate #5 Party at Cargo

We arrived pretty late at the release party of the 5th issue of the lovely HATE magazine. So most of the dance floors at Cargo were already empty. But that didn’t mean that we could have a some fun, so my girls gave me little posing contest with some nice results. Enjoy after the jump.

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The Party Horse

Birthday Party Berlin

Birthday Party Berlin, photo: Marco Macrobi

Cargo seems to become a hotspot! I really can’t tell why. At the Lucky Strike party I quick-freezed and caught a cystitis! What else is new? Oh! The most beautiful doormen is leaving Berlin: Picknick-Flo says goodbye. He never meant to harm anybody, he just took his work really serious… Farewell my blond angel!

Take a look at the Horse Meat flyer, damn! It suddenly feels hot in here. Pew… The parties after you know where.

Update: Join our Facebook Group to get on the guestlist of the Vice Party tonight.

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The Summer Hole


The Whitest Boy Alive at Tape

Summer vacation in Berlin – meaning only a few parties, but those that take place are solid gold! You can show off your tan, but beware to show your awful sunburn, we beg you! Sparkle-space alarm and birthday bash on Saturday. Do you think, I could go to Picknick on Saturday still wearing my sparkle outfit? I’m not sure… hmm. The parties after the click.

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