An Island Escape – 6 Days in Saint Lucia

An Island Escape – 6 Days in Saint Lucia

I truly love Berlin! But sometimes you have to let go of what you love and venture off to somewhere far far away. When I do leave I tend to go to other big cities. This time though fate took me to what can only be described as the opposite of a city: Saint Lucia.

The tiny island in the Caribbean is by far the most remote spot I have ever visited on this planet and a great mind-clearing trip. Not only did I manage to cleanse my mind of all responsibilities at home, but I got my perspectives in order and returned with a new found passion for this gorgeous Berlin.

Head on after the jump to read all about my Saint Lucia Shenanigans…

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I’m a blogger, get me out of here!!


Yesterday, like most other Saturdays and Sundays, I spent most of the day in bed sleeping out last night’s party. By the time I left the house it was already dark and raining. And while I was rushing through the cold, wet and dirty city I just hated it for being in the completely wrong climate zone.

So I wondered what could I do to get out of this uncomfortable mess that is the winter in Berlin. The answer came in the form of a cheerfully formulated eMail by Bacardi: A trip through the Caribbean. On a yacht. For one week. With 9 of your friends. How fucking amazing would that be, huh? Of course you can’t just sign up for it. You have to win a creative challange called Bacardi Ten4 where you have to submit some short films that you upload to YouTube. Learn more about it after the jump.

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