How to Cycle in Style in the Rain

How to Cycle in Style in the Rain

Berliners really like to cycle, no matter the temperature you will always see people using their bikes in the city. Obviously they will be less in the Winter, but not gone completely. The only time you will encounter them much less is when it rains. And well, let’s face it, it can rain quite a lot here in Berlin, and always when it’s most inconvenient.

I personally don’t like to use the bike when I know it might rain later that day. Simply because I don’t want to be burdened with a raincoat that I have to carry around with me. These coats never look very good and they will become annoying at some point once the rain is over and you have to carry that big wet piece of clothing around with you.

The Berlin-based fashion label Chance of Rain by Antoniya Ivanova is offering a smart solution here. Her garments combine style with functionality and make the life of cyclists in Berlin a lot easier. Not only does she use breathable and water repellent high-tech textiles for her jackets, coats and capes, she also incorporates reflecting stripes to ensure the safety of the cyclist in the dark. There are a lot of details in her pieces that show that she put a lot of time and evaluation in the usefulness of the pieces, and on top the designs look really cool and timeless.

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